Myths Fable Epicureanism Comedy Aesop Homer Sophocles Drama Epics tragedy A story told by actors who pretend to be characters in the story Traditional stories about gods & heroes - Used three actors and painted scenes. - Wrote many fables. - Long poems about heroic deeds. - Teaches that happiness is the goal of life. - A person struggles to overcome difficulties but fails. - Wrote the Iliad and the Odyssey. - A short tale that teaches a lesson. - Ends happily.
Herodotus Pythagoras Socrates Plato Philosophy Sophists Pythagorean Theorem Aristotle Philosophers Thucydides - Taught that absolute right and wrong did exist - Greek word for “love of wisdom” - Professional teachers in ancient Greece. - One of Socrates’ students - Considered by many historians as the greatest historian of the ancient world. - Greek thinkers who believed the human mind could understand everything - A way to determine the length of the sides of a triangle. - Plato’s best student. - Considered the “father of history.” - Taught that the universe followed the same rules as music and numbers.
- King of Macedonia / admired everything about the Greeks. Legacy Phillip II Alexandria Chaeronea Demosthenes Hellenistic - Era that refers to a time when the Greek language and Greek ideas spread to the non-Greek people of southwest Asia. - The largest city in the Med world by 100 BC. - What a person leaves behind when he or she dies. - Phillip II crushed the Greek allies at the Battle of ____. - Warned Athenians that Philip was a threat to Greek freedom.
Archimedes Euclid Zeno Astronomers Theocritus Stoics Eratosthenes Aristarchus The most famous scientist of the Hellenistic Era that worked on solid geometry. The most famous Greek mathematician, best-known for his book Elements describing plane geometry. Wrote short poems about the beauty of nature. Claimed that the sun was the center of the universe and that Earth circled the sun. Figured out the value of pi and designed catapults. Happiness came from following reason, not emotions, and doing your duty. Concluded that Earth is round and measured Earth’s circumference. Study stars, planted, and other heavenly bodies A Phoenician, developed Stoicism.