Chapter 9 Vocabulary
Detour Devating from the usual or more direct route
Challenge A task or problem
Ironic When the expected result is contrary to the actual result
Affliction Great struggling or suffering
Paraplegic The state of having the lower half of the body paralyzed
Debilitate To weaken
Orator A skillful or powerful public speaker
Serenity Being peaceful
Solution The answer to a problem
Median Being in the middle; as many above as below
Consideration Careful thought
Obligation Something that ties a person to a certain course of action, such as promise or vow; duty
Valedictorian The student in a graduating class with the highest rank
Ambition A strong desire to achieve a certain goal
Evidence An outward sign; indication
Obstacle An impediment to progress or achievement
Concentration Focused attention on a single object or task
Confront To oppose or challenge
Confident Certain of your own skills or capabilities
Progressive Making use of new ideas; broad-minded