Office of Student Services MUSC College of Nursing Meet our Team MUSC College of Nursing Summer Orientation
Office of Student Services Carolyn Page Director of Student Services Peggy Sires Student Services Coordinator Hub for ALL CON students Maintains student files and database Registration Progression and graduation Liaison between CON and other MUSC offices MUSC College of Nursing Summer Orientation
Office of Student Services Mardi Long Director of Student and Alumni Relations Graduation Scholarships Alumni relations Anette Hebebrand-Verner Contracts and Compliance Officer CATTS CPR Contracts with clinical sites MUSC College of Nursing Summer Orientation
MUSC College of Nursing Summer Orientation Office of Academics Robin Bissinger Associate Dean for Academics Yolanda Long Administrative Coordinator, PhD Program General announcements Grant announcements Booklist MUSC College of Nursing Summer Orientation
Office of Graduate Programs Robin L. Bissinger, PhD, APRN, NNP-BC Director of Graduate Programs Arly Douglass Graduate Program Coordinator Registration Plan of study Academic Warnings Advisement Clinical paperwork MUSC College of Nursing Summer Orientation
MUSC College of Nursing Summer Orientation General Advisement Student Services will register you for courses. Plans of study should be followed exactly. Courses are only offered once a year Switching from full to part-time or vice versa is possible. Life happens- Please contact us before it is too late to save your grades. Leave of absence vs. withdrawl from program MUSC College of Nursing Summer Orientation
Drop/Add Drop/Add deadline is Sept. 4- no evidence of taking that course on transcript. After drop/add deadline- Grade of WD, WF or WP-counts as one attempt. Only get two attempts at a course. Tuition reimbursement- 90% tuition reimbursement if course(s) dropped within the first week of the University start date; 75% tuition reimbursement within the 2nd week; 50% tuition reimbursement within the third week, and no tuition reimbursement after the forth week. Fees will not be reimbursed
Full-time and Part-time Fall and Spring semesters: 9 or more sh is full-time Anything less than 5 sh is not eligible for financial aid Summer Semester: 7 or more sh is full-time Anything less than 4 sh is not eligible for financial aid MUSC College of Nursing Summer Orientation
MUSC College of Nursing Summer Orientation Academic Warnings Must maintain a 3.0 in each course (85 or above) If you are in danger of falling below a 3.0, you will receive an academic warning. The Office of Graduate Programs is notified and will contact you to make sure a plan is in place. Academic warnings can help save you before it is too late! MUSC College of Nursing Summer Orientation
Student Grievance/Feedback If you have an issue with a specific course, contact your instructor first. If no improvement has been made, contact Dr. Bissinger (Arly) Dr. Bissinger meets with students for feedback while you are on campus for immersions Student Lounges Two students serve on the Graduate Program Committee- Heidi Alterson and Valerie Martinez End of course evaluations are extremely important! MUSC College of Nursing Summer Orientation
MUSC College of Nursing Summer Orientation Clinical courses NRDNP 864, 865, 866 and NRDNP 848B are clinical courses. 180 hours for 864, 865, 866- about 12 hrs/wk 270 hours for 848- about 18 hrs/wk Must be primary care site Further info will be discussed at the 2:45 session today. NRDNP 890 will also require 300 clinical hours total. MUSC College of Nursing Summer Orientation
MUSC College of Nursing Summer Orientation Immersions There are no excused absences for on-campus visits. Campus visits: NRDNP 856 NRDNP 864 NRDNP 865 NRDNP 866 NRDNP 848B NRDNP 862 (Project defense for DNP students) Last NRDNP 890 (Final poster presentation for DNP students) MUSC College of Nursing Summer Orientation
Online Class Participation Will be dropped from course if no participation for 3 consecutive weeks Missing a discussion results in a grade of zero for that discussion. Notify instructors of emergency situations that will affect online participation. MUSC College of Nursing Summer Orientation
Handbooks/Guidelines Please refer to the CON Handbook for further policies Residency guidelines (DNP students) Process Improvement Guidelines (DNP students) Clinical Guidelines for NP students Get familiar with our CON website under Students & Applicants MUSC College of Nursing Summer Orientation
MUSC College of Nursing Summer Orientation Remaining Compliant Uploaded into E-Value CPR card RN License CON Handbook form Severe Weather Form Plan of study Other things to work on: CATTS Drug Screening- Employee Health Student Health requirements MUSC College of Nursing Summer Orientation
MUSC College of Nursing Summer Orientation FAQ’s Post-BSN DNP students cannot sit for NP certification until they graduate the entire DNP program. Adding Nurse Educator courses: 3 required courses to sit for NLN certification, 1 additional optional course. DNP students cannot use DNP (c). Project for DNP students MUSC College of Nursing Summer Orientation