Devon Inclusion Project
Devon’s Vision for Education An inclusive education system that works for every Devon Child; Every school a good school with outcomes for children that always see Devon in the top quartile. An effective multi agency strength based approach that helps families so that young people can engage and thrive Every Child has a voice AND it is heard A system that works together so young people can achieve their ambitions and enter adulthood with the skills and confidence they need to succeed.
Permanent Exclusions
Medical Absence and Part time pupils 270 schools with 7% + of pupils who had 20+ medical absences. 150 primary pupils on part- time tables (Annex R) 142 pupils on a medical placement (compared to 90 two years ago)
Elective home Education
EHE Current numbers and reasons Reason for EHE Number of new registrations this quarter Dissatisfaction with the school environment 15 Lifestyle/Philosophical/Culture 7 Attendance/Prosecution 13 Medical - Child 6 School refuser/phobic 2 Bullying 8 Emotional behavioural difficulties 17 Near Exclusion 1 Other/not known (at time of recording on ONE) 28 Problems with SEN provision 3 Not preferred school Relationship issues Registered EHE Pupils by Year Group March 2018 35 1 48 2 62 3 77 4 79 5 75 6 91 7 68 8 116 9 128 10 155 11 As of March 2018 1325 EHE + 236 who are not registered with the EHE service
Devon Inclusion Project Monitoring Devon Inclusion Project Changes in pupil roll numbers – particularly in yr 6 School moves with no house move Permanent Exclusions Numbers moving to Elective Home Education Medical and persistent absence Part time timetables Prolonged time out of school
Devon Inclusion Project Aims To work in collaboration and partnership with mainstream and special schools to develop a strategic approach to inclusion through - Prevention - Intervention - Reintegration Further information at contacts/education-inclusion-service
Project Structure
Project Board Membership Name Position Project role Marc Kastner Strategic Lead for Inclusion & Other Services to Vulnerable Children Project Board Chair Penny Hammett Executive Head Teacher FORT Federation Primary school representative Alan Salt Principal (King Edward VI Community College) Secondary school representative Gary Read Principal (Whipton Barton) Graham Hill Head Teacher (Ilfracombe Academy) Margaret Turgoose Governor Governor representative Claire Birch Parent Parent representative Tatiana Wilson Diocesan Education Adviser – Projects & Vulnerable Pupils Diocese representative Kevin Henman Chief Executive DYS Space Ltd representative Claire Thomson Head of Specialist Services & Safeguarding Babcock LDP representative Rachel Gillott Senior Manager – Locality Director, Exeter Childrens Social Care representative Julia Foster DCC 0-25 SEN Commissioner representative Sue Brealey Parent Partnership Liaison Officer DIAS representative Jenny Pearce-Riddy Principal Educational Psychologist Primary & Supporting Inclusive Practice Workstreams Lead Simon Niles Children's Services Strategic Manager Recommissioning Workstream Lead Ian Flett Early Help Operations Manager Early Help Workstream Lead Ian Hemelik Lead for the Virtual School LAC, SGO & Adoptions Workstream Lead Andrew Brent Policy & Strategy Officer (Education) Medical Referrals Workstream Lead Neil Pack Project Manager
Devon Inclusion Project – Key Developments Replacement Protocol for Looked after children, Special Guardianship Orders & Adoptions - best practice & new responsibilities for previously looked after children. Improving Early Help publicity, guidance & support for schools & governors & inclusion in annual Safeguarding Audit Developing vision & charter for inclusion - feedback from schools Proposals re use of Boxall Profile and an Inclusion Toolkit for schools
The Devon Inclusion Project: The Boxall Profile and the BPYP Using, Collating and Analysing the Boxall Profile
The Brief Part of a strategic response to the inclusion challenges Devon’s schools are facing To support schools, through the Boxall Profile, to assess the SEMH and behavioural needs of CYP, support provision development & effectively monitor the impact of interventions
The Boxall Profile and The Boxall Profile for Young People SEMH Assessment tool for staff working with vulnerable CYP 4-16 Framework for systematic assessment of a range of SEMH issues Support for prevention, intervention, monitoring and measuring SEMH Development of consistent response within school
Nurture Group Network – Boxall Childhood Project 40 schools 6000 pupils 1/5 of pupils had high levels of social emotional difficulties & 1/5 of children had high level of challenging behaviours Benefits: Better identification of pupils’ needs: as all pupils are assessed, no-one can be missed Better support provided to pupils: because all pupils are assessed, everyone can receive some form of support Improved teaching and teachers’ understanding of SEMH and behaviour
Proposal Multi-professional team of school based colleagues, SEMH and EPs The ‘Boxall’ Team will deliver one day training – ‘Using, collating and analysing the Boxall Profile and the BPYP’ A flexible approach to MATS/Federations, large/small schools etc. A half day network/supervision opportunity in each of the next 3 terms following the training What next? – use learning to inform future development of ‘Nurturing Schools’
Evaluation A range of evaluation will be incorporated at school, staff and individual pupil level. Schools: school audit, action plan and evaluation. Monitoring the progress of vulnerable and disadvantaged groups Staff: professional skills/confidence audit at the start and end of the programme Pupils: progress will be evaluated through Boxall Online for individuals and whole class groups Opportunity for academic study
Toolkit sections proposed Examples of In-school preventative initiatives which support Inclusion in Devon with link school contact School case study vignettes from Devon Schools which provide ideas for practical inclusive school interventions Links/resources/explanations related to Devon and/or national initiatives e.g. Early Help, Safeguarding, SEND National Evidence based school interventions which support schools with inclusion