Three Key Questions Part Two Resource: DM packet with bios, ward maps and pathways
The Process: What Does Policy Passage Look Like? Identifying a champion Support from council leadership Formal drafting of ordinance Introduction Passage by committee Majority of council votes favorably Goes to mayor - High school government class
How do we get to success? Need a majority of council members to support (Re)Evaluate where council members are – in support, neutral, opposed Focus on moving the neutrals Maximizing our activities – Postcard example
Who can give us what we want? Decision Makers There are 17 members of council divided into wards Each serve for 4 years How to influence decision makers
Activities to Influence Constituent support Direct Messages: Email or Social Media Direct contact: Phone calls, Meetings, Townhalls, Council meetings Community leader Support Media Presence: Paid ads or signs, Media Advocacy Colleague Influence
The Timeline Council meeting schedule (Summer recess until September) Council meets on Mondays at 7pm
Key decision Makers Bios for all members in packet. While we want outreach to all members, these are currently the ones we’ll give special focus. As we learn more, we’ll adjust our strategies and tactics. Blaine Griffin, Ward 6 Kenneth Johnson, Ward 4 Anthony Hairston, Ward 10 Anthony Brancatelli, Ward 12 Kevin Kelley