Senior Research Compliance Auditor Marina Tuzova Senior Research Compliance Auditor September 11, 2018 Marina Tuzova Senior Research Compliance Auditor September 11, 2018
Regulatory Binder
Learning Objectives: Attendees will be able to: Identify what documents are found in a regulatory binder Organize and save all IRB and regulatory documents preferably as hard copies
What is a regulatory binder? GUESS WHAT? IT IS A BINDER!!!! Repository for all research study-related documentation Generally there are 2 kinds of documents: Study-specific (regulatory binder) Subject-specific (subject’s chart)
Summary introduce the concept:
Purpose: Required by Federal regulations and the Institutional policy The working concept of good clinical practice Guidance for the investigator
Important concepts in a changing environment Investigator responsibilities + Regulatory Binder = Consistency/Continuity/Uniformity Regulatory compliance and Successful study management Important concepts in a changing environment
Why use the regulatory binder? Reason 1: when developing the protocol, the binder keeps things in order: Research plan Consent document IRB application/submission Amendments IRB communications Data collection tools
Reason 2: When you inherit a study, the binder provides a snap-shot of the study: Protocol/research plan Study team info Approved documents Reports submitted Records of events Data collection tools (no searching or guessing)
Reason 3: Leaves and retirements Regulatory binders can be passed to the next person
Reason 4: Q: if we have iRIS, why do we need to maintain hard copies of the same documents? A: Program can crash or become inaccessible Program changes can occur Does not contain study-specific documents: DOA logs Training logs Monitoring logs Enrollment logs Drug/device accountability logs Tracking forms Miscellaneous documents No access to the Protocol or other not-shared documents for the new staff
Binder guidance: Set it up ate the start of the study Keep it current and up-to-date File current documents on the top Store in secure location (accessible for the study staff) Customize it for the needs of your study
Quotation: “If everyone is moving forward together, then success takes care of itself” ~Henry Ford
To make it clear one more time: The regulatory binder serves to demonstrate that the research is being conducted according to accepted standards of research practice and applicable regulatory and institutional requirements.
Regulatory Binder Sections All Studies Study Specific Licensure Investigator Brochure/ Device Manual/ Package Insert Laboratory Documentation Drug/Device NIH Sponsor DSMB External/Local Ethical Review Protocol CVs for all study staff Logs IRB Documentation Consent and Recruitment Materials Data Collection Materials Training Data Protection
Essential Documents (all studies) Section Purpose Considerations / Recommendations Protocol Describes the study aims, research design, research site(s), plus all study-related activities and procedures. Ensure that the version number/date reflects the current, approved Research Protocol approved by the IRB. CVs and licensures Documents the qualifications and expertise of study staff to perform delegated tasks. CVs and licenses Maintain licensure for staff conducting clinical study- related procedures
Protocol Original Protocol and all amended versions Requirements Guidance Original Protocol and all amended versions All versions should contain a version date and/or number Federal Regulations/Good Clinical Practice GCP: 8.2.2; 8.3.2
CVs CVs for all study staff Requirements Guidance If CVs are filed collectively for the department, write a signed and dated note-to file indicating the location Federal Regulations/Good Clinical Practice GCP: 4.1.1; 8.2.10; 8.3.5
Licensure Requirements Guidance Professional certification information should be included in individual CVs. The frequency with which certification must be renewed varies widely, depending on the requirements of the certifying body. Valid licenses/certification for all professional study staff (e.g., medical or nursing license) Current professional certification, as indicated Federal Regulations/Good Clinical Practice GCP: 4.1.1
Essential Documents (all studies) Section Purpose Considerations / Recommendations Logs Assists with the collection of data that is required by or reported to the IRB or other regulatory authorities (e.g., Enrollment Log, Delegation of Responsibility Log, Sample collection log, Training log). Information about log templates can be found here: IRB Documentation Demonstrates that the IRB has reviewed and approved the initial project and all modifications prior to the initiation of study procedures. Confirms that continuing review has been performed (as applicable) and that reportable new information has been communicated to the IRB. Print the documents from iRIS and include the hard copies into your binder.
Logs Requirements Guidance Check all that are included: Pre-Screening Log Enrollment Log Staff Signature Log Delegation of Responsibility Log Monitoring Log* Adverse Event Tracking Log Protocol Deviation/Exception Tracking Log Retained Tissue Log Training Log *Required for FDA-regulated protocols Update logs in a timely manner. To ensure accuracy, logs should be updated as soon as possible after a recordable event occurs, preferable on the same day.
IRB documentation Requirements Guidance A.Copies of signed and dated submissions: Initial Application for Human Research Continuing Review(s) Modifications/Amendments Reportable New Information Adverse Events Protocol Violations Unanticipated Problems B.Original Approval letters and/or notification of IRB decisions C.Copy of investigator response to IRB notification (if applicable) D.Approved/validated recruitment materials E.Approved/validated additional study information distributed to participants F.Any foreign language materials (if applicable) G.Print out of Institution’s FWA Information from OHRP website H.IRB Membership Roster* I.Any additional correspondence related to the study (e.g. e-mails) *Required for FDA-regulated protocols Approved/validated recruitment materials and additional study information distributed to participants should include version dates and/or numbers. File documents in reverse chronological order.
Essential Documents (all studies) Section Purpose Considerations / Recommendations Informed Consent & Recruitment Material Documents that information given to participants supports their ability to give voluntary informed consent. Ensure that the most recently approved consent form and recruitment documents are used in the field. The most recently approved consent form and recruitment documents can always be accessed in iRIS. Data Collection Maintains original copies of all forms used to collect study data (e.g., case report forms, questionnaires, surveys). Only blank copies of forms should be kept in the Regulatory Binder.
Consent Forms Federal Regulations/Good Clinical Practice Requirements Guidance Original copies of all IRB approved versions (evident by the IRB approval/validation stamp) with version dates or numbers Copies of foreign language consent materials, if applicable Federal Regulations/Good Clinical Practice HHS: 45 CFR 46 FDA: 21 CFR 50; 21 CFR 56 GCP: 8.2.3; 8.3.2; 8.3.12
Data collection Requirements Guidance Blank set of case report forms (CRFs), data collection sheets, and/or study questionnaires The difference between data collection sheets and case report forms is that data collection sheets typically act as source documentation. That is, during study visits, information is written directly onto the worksheets. An industry sponsor usually provides CRFs; all protocol-required information is transferred to CRFs from data collection sheets. Some studies do not use CRFs. All studies should use some type of data collection sheet. Federal Regulations/Good Clinical Practice FDA: 21 CFR 312.53; 312.62 GCP: 8.3.14; 8.3.15; 4.9.3
Essential Documents (all studies) Section Purpose Considerations / Recommendations Investigator’s brochure/Device Manual/Package Insert To provide the investigators with the information to facilitate their understanding of the rationale for, and their compliance with, many key features of the protocol, such as the dose, dose frequency/interval, methods of administration: and safety monitoring procedures. These documents are a part of your study application. Have to be printed as hard copies. Laboratory documents CLIA requires all facilities that perform even one test, including waived tests, on “materials derived from the human body for the purposes of providing information for the diagnosis, prevention, or treatment of any disease or impairment of, or the assessment of the health of, human beings” to obtain a CLIA certificate and meet CLIA regulatory requirements. In most cases, research testing where patient-specific results are reported from the laboratory, and those results will be or could be used “for the diagnosis, prevention, or treatment of any disease or impairment of, or the assessment of the health of, human beings” are presumed to be subject to CLIA absent evidence to the contrary.
Investigator’s Brochure/Device Manual/Package Insert Requirements Guidance Most recent version of investigator brochure or product information, e.g., package insert or sample label (for investigational drugs) Device Manual or Report of Prior Investigations (for investigational devices) Send updated versions to the IRB. If the investigational product is marketed and its pharmacology is widely understood, a basic product information brochure or package insert may be an appropriate alternative. Federal Regulations/Good Clinical Practice FDA: 21 CFR 312.55 GCP: 8.2.1; 8.3.1
Laboratory Documents Requirements Guidance Lab certification (e.g. CLIA, CAP) and updates Lab Director’s CV Handling Instructions (if not specified in Investigator’s Brochure, Device Manual, or Package Insert) Normal lab/reference values and updates Keep updated documents to exhibit the competency of all lab facilities being utilized, and to support the reliability of test results. If lab documentation is filed separately, write a signed and dated note to file indicating the location. Research labs typically do not have lab certifications, e.g., CLIA, CAP, and may not have “normal” lab values. If research labs are used, ensure that the lab director’s CV and research lab references values are on file. Federal Regulations/Good Clinical Practice GCP: 8.2.11; 8.2.12; 8.2.14; 8.3.6; 8.3.7
Essential Documents (all studies) Section Purpose Considerations / Recommendations Training Documents adequate human subjects training as well as any other study-specific training for all IRB approved study personnel. All study staff approved by the IRB must complete CITI human subjects training requirements every 3 years. Additional institution, department, or study-specific training requirements and time frames may vary (e.g., data security, laboratory safety, IATA). Data Protection Maintains documentation of data protection procedures not included in the Research Protocol, as well as specific records that may not be included. For all documents maintained in e-records, include a signed and dated note-to-file in the Regulatory Binder detailing the location of the documentation (shared drive).
Training Requirements Guidance Human research training Additional training certification of study staff, e.g., phlebotomy, vital signs, etc.) Sponsor training (e.g. study initiation visits, use of device, GCP) Institution specific training
Data Protection Recommended contents Guidance Data Collection/Use Plan (if not in the IRB approved protocol) Data Storage Plan (if not in the IRB approved protocol) Data Transfer/Sharing Plan (if not in the IRB approved protocol) Data Management Plan (if not in the IRB approved protocol) Protection and security of research data Risk Management, which includes data breach and response Data Retention/Return and/or Destruction Plan Data Use Agreements or other agreements/contracts pertaining to data sharing with external collaborators, vendors, and/or 3rd party business associates (signed and dated by all parties) Documentation of Authorization to use protected health information for research purposes (in informed consent form or stand alone authorization) Waiver of HIPAA Authorization (if applicable) Investigators must follow their institution’s policies and procedures. Federal and State Regulations OCR: HIPAA Privacy Rule and Security Rule (as amended): HHS: 45 CFR 160, 162 and 164 (Subparts A and C) FDA: FDA: 21 CFR, Part 11
FDA Requirements Guidance Clinical Investigator: Copy of all versions of the Form FDA 1572 (for investigational drugs) Copy of all versions of Investigator Agreement (for investigational devices) Copy of all Safety Reports submitted to the FDA Financial Disclosure: Signed and dated copy of all Form FDA 3455 (Disclosure: Financial Interests and arrangements of Clinical Investigators) Sponsor-Investigator: Copy of all Form FDA 1571 submitted to the FDA (for investigational drugs only), Initial IND/IDE or Application Amendments/Supplements to the application Safety Reports Annual Progress Reports Form 3674, certification of registration to ( The Form FDA 1571 should be used as the cover sheet for all correspondence sent to the FDA (sponsor-investigator) Instructions for completing The Form FDA 1572 can be found at: (drug/device studies, mostly sponsored) Update the 1572 each time there is a change to any of the information originally provided. Notify the Sponsor of updates. Federal Regulations/Good Clinical Practice FDA: 21 CFR 54; 312.30; 312.32; 312.33; 812.150(b)(1); 812.150(b)(5); 812.35; 812.43(c) GCP: 4.11; 5.16.2; 5.17.1; 8.3.16; 8.3.17; 8.3.18; 8.3.19
NIH Copy of the NIH grant application and progress reports Requirements Guidance Copy of the NIH grant application and progress reports Submit a copy of the most recent progress report as specified by your IRB. Any additional study correspondence (e.g. e-mails) with the NIH and Collaborators.
Sponsor Requirements Guidance All correspondence to and from the sponsor (e.g. letters, meeting notes, and notes of telephone calls) Signed Agreements, including Financial Agreements Insurance Statement (when required)
DSMB Federal Regulations/Good Clinical Practice GCP: 8.3.10; 5.19.3 Requirements Guidance If your study has a DSMB, submit a copy of the most recent DSMB report to the IRB at the time of continuing review Any additional correspondence (e.g. e-mails, letters, meeting minutes) with the DSMB and its members Copy of all documentation for data safety monitoring plan as outlined in the IRB approved protocol Copy of all DSMB reports Copy of all monitoring reports Federal Regulations/Good Clinical Practice GCP: 8.3.10; 5.19.3
Single IRB and Multi-site Research 9/10/2019 Single IRB and Multi-site Research Include all institutional determinations and reliance agreements (SmartIRB or IRB Authorization Agreement and Institutional acknowledgments) in an External/Local Ethical Review file Regulatory documentation should reflect any reliance agreements The Overseeing IRB’s researchers should document up to date training and activities for all study staff that fall under the reviewing IRB’s oversight. Most reliance agreements allow for the reviewing institution to conduct an audit, for cause, of the ceding institution’s study documentation Regulatory documentation should still be kept at each institution to at least maintain site specific information. The protocol will determine how Participant Files should be maintained at each site. For the study-specific guidance contact Stefanie Juell: Stefanie Juell, MA, CIP 718.430.2237 Associate Director, Education and Compliance
External IRB documentation Requirements Tips External IRB documentation, including IRB submissions, IRB notifications, and significant correspondence between the IRB and investigator. Documentation of an institution’s agreement to rely on another for IRB review, e.g., protocol-specific IRB Authorization Agreement, acknowledgement letter demonstrating cede review. If documentation is maintained electronically, write a note-to-file indicating the location and who maintains them If helpful, maintain links to applicable local, regional, and/or national regulation/guidance on file To reduce the administrative burden of concurrent IRB review, consider an IRB Authorization Agreement whereby one institution relies on another for IRB review Investigators must follow their institution’s policies and procedures. Contact your institution for additional guidance.
Tips for Successful Record Keeping 9/10/2019 Tips for Successful Record Keeping Customize the Regulatory Binder to meet the specific criteria for your study Maintain binders in a secure location (e.g., locked file cabinet) Document and update materials in the Regulatory Binder in real time File hard copy documents in reverse chronological order (most recent on top)
Tips for Successful Record Keeping 9/10/2019 Tips for Successful Record Keeping Review documentation routinely Using the Investigator Self-Audit tool as a guide when reviewing regulatory documentation ( Address and resolve documentation issues immediately upon discovery
Note-to-File A Note-to-File can reconcile many issues 9/10/2019 Note-to-File A Note-to-File can reconcile many issues When in doubt, write a note! Use to explain apparent discrepancies Use to identify location of files that are maintained outside of the Regulatory Binder Each note-to-file should include the study number, PI name, date, and the initials of the person writing the note-to-file
http://www. einstein. yu
The purpose of your regulatory binder should serve three-fold: Summary: 1. PURPOSE The purpose of your regulatory binder should serve three-fold: Streamline work processes by compiling all study related documentation in one place Allowing ease of access to most current documentation to all personnel with minimal effort A tool for monitoring regulations and standards set by federal departments (FDA, HHS, OHRP), your sponsor (NIH), and local regulatory bodies (IRB)
Summary: 2. LAYOUT Files should be customized to the demands of the study Organization Tabs and/or sub-tabs Most frequently accessed documents should be in the front Reverse chronological order Clean copies of documents (may include marked copies as well) IRB approval letters for each document
Summary: 3. Identifying Elements Cover and Binding Label IRB study number Study title PI Sponsor Institution and location Book number (if multiple books) Title Page IRB number and study title
Summary: 4. Administrative Documents Regulatory File Checklist Itemizes each element Notates they are present in the binder Notates dates when documents were changed Additional comments Memos You may include memos in the reg. binder Memos document missing items or changes in the organizational structure of the reg. binder
Summary: 5. Structure Protocol All final IRB approved versions of the study protocol in reverse chronological order. May include marked copies Should include IRB approval letters (FALs) Consent MOST CURRENT APPROVED CONSENT SHOULD BE FIRST (recommend plastic cover) Previous expired consents with IRB approval letter
Structure - cont IRB Correspondence All informal correspondence with the IRB (emails, faxes, phone log) Submissions/Continuing Review Initial Submission Study application, Protocol, Consent, study documents, FDA correspondence, etc. NOTE: These documents are what you submit to the IRB. After approval, place an approved copy in the appropriate sections (include the IRB Outcome Letter) Continuing review applications
Structure - cont Amendments Reverse chronological order Each amendment should be sub-tabed with a title page (recommend colored paper) Amendment number IRB Study No. / Title Submitter’s name or initials Date submitted Date approved Documents included / summary of changes Clean copies of submitted documents (may include marked) Approval letter on top. Again, approval letters for consents should be filed with the consent forms.
Structure - cont Adverse Events Protocol Deviations Key Study Personnel Research study signatory log Notates all study personnel and their dates of involvement in the project CVs of all current key study personnel Documentation of trainings, formal and informal (IATA, Lab safety, phlebotomy)
Structure - cont Case Report Form (CRF) Data management tool Purpose is to streamline data entry process Snapshot of all participant data (identified or de-identified) that goes into your database Participant code number, age, gender, educational level, height, weight, BP, questionnaire scores, etc. A blank CRF template is filed in the binder CRF Appendix All questionnaires or forms the participant actually completes (if any).
Structure - cont Laboratory Certificate of accreditation CV of laboratory director Copy of normal ranges or criteria for classifying samples Banking log of samples Advertising / Recruitment Screening log with de-identified information Enrollment log Approved IRB ads or language
Structure - cont Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) Detailed instructions of work flow Someone should be able to come into your lab and run your study from the SOP Examples of elements in an SOP Phone script for screening, directions to the DNA Core Lab and how to bank samples, Instructions on data entry and questionnaire scoring, etc. Ensures consistency between personnel changes Not required, but an example of a best practice policy
Structure - cont Sponsor All correspondence with the sponsor (formal and informal) Copy of the grant Other sponsor related documents Misc Catch-all tab for things you are not quite sure what to do with
Conclusion Regulatory binder is a tool that should fit the demands of the study and expectations set by regulating bodies Organized in a reversed order fashion with most recent items in the front Should be in a central location where all approved personnel may access the documents Updated on a regular basis
Resources Einstein IRB Website Resources Montefiore-Einstein Research Compliance Required Documentation Checklist - Regulatory Binder* *