Why did the belt go to jail? Français 2, 6 Fevrier 2017 Snow day. Why did the belt go to jail? Être étonné(e) – to be amazed. Elle était tout étonnée. She was amazed. Goals – Complete orale 3-3. Begin study for Chapter 3 test. Les Devoirs – A la page 88, # 1,2,3.
Français 2, 7 Fevrier 2017 Let’s get ready to eat! What do you call a man that is addicted to hot chocolate? Être fâché – to be mad (at someone) J’espère que tu n’es pas fáché contre moi. I hope you’re not mad at me. Goals –Use proper French table manners and speak French during dejeuner. Les Devoirs – Pas. Cocoa nut.
Français 2, 8 Fevrier 2017 Write about what you remember about the movie, Jean de Florette. How many Amish does it take to screw in a light bulb? N’importe quoi – anything. Il pourrait vendre n’importe quoi. Goals – Watch the movie. What is the main conflict? Les Devoirs – pas!
Français 2, 9 Fevrier 2017 What kind of man is Jean de Florette? What kind of man is Galinette? And Souberain? What do you get when you cross a dyslexic agnostic with an insomniac? Chargé(e) – Heavy, loaded, busy. La journée va être chargée. The day is going to be busy. Goals –Finish the cheese, salad, and desert courses. Les Devoirs – Pas.
Français 2, 10 Fevrier 2017 Who do you think will win in the end? The Souberains or Jean de Florette? Why? Did you hear about the guy who lost his left arm in a car crash? Là-bas – there. Je ne peux pas aller là-bas tout seul.I can’t go there alone. Goals – Watch Jean de Florette. Les Devoirs – Pas.