Effects of a career change Element 18 PG. 143
Purpose To help the service member (and spouses if applicable) develop awareness of the possible side effects To learn coping mechanisms to help them
What’s in it for me???
Let’s talk about stress Constant fatigue and headaches Not enough sleep or sleeping too much Smoking and drinking more Irritable Withdrawn
How do you deal with that? Get Going Don’t be modest Work at it Lighten up
How do you deal with that? Keep your family involved Volunteer Take a change management course before the first signs of stress appear
resources Chaplain VA Education Office
resources Behavioral Health Clinic Fleet and Family Service Center Base Clinics Veteran Service Organization
resources Military Service Organization VA Vet Centers Base Clinics Military OneSource www.militaryonesource.com 1-800-342-9647 OR overseas: 00-800-342-9647
resources National Center for Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) www.ncptsd.va.gov/index.html Military Family Network www.emilitary.org FOCUS: Resilience Training for Military Family https:///www.focusproject.org/
resources Task and Purpose Career one Stop https://taskandpurpose.com/what-is-transition- stress/ Career one Stop https://www.careeronestop.org/Veterans/Benefits AndAssistance/deal-with-stress.aspx
review Can you name a few stress indicators? What are some things you can do to cope with the effects of a career change? Name a few resources available for you and your family.