Spiritual Fatherhood (Parenthood) 1 Corinthians 4:15-16 Pastor Chris Glantz.


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Presentation transcript:

Spiritual Fatherhood (Parenthood) 1 Corinthians 4:15-16 Pastor Chris Glantz

Glantz Mission

Struggles in the American Church – Present and. www. barna Struggles in the American Church – Present and www.barna.org/millennials Future Parents and leaders have long been concerned about the faith development of the generation born between 1984 and 2002. First, Barna research shows nearly six in ten (59%) of these young people who grow up in Christian churches end up walking away from either their faith or from the institutional church at some point in their first decade of adult life. Second, the unchurched segment among Millennials has increased in the last decade, from 44% to 52%, mirroring a larger cultural trend away from churchgoing among the nation’s population.

Missing critical element – Meaningful Relationships Missing critical element – Meaningful Relationships (especially with adults) When comparing twenty-somethings who remained active in their faith beyond high school and twenty-somethings who dropped out of church, the Barna study uncovered a significant difference between the two. Those who stay were twice as likely to have a close personal friendship with an adult inside the church (59% of those who stayed report such a friendship). The same pattern is evident among more intentional relationships such as mentoring—28% of Millennials who stay had an adult mentor at the church other than their pastor.

Importance of Spiritual Fathers (parents) “Healthy families need parents, and spiritual families need spiritual parents – people who take responsibility to lead the family by laying down their lives and serving the family.” Family on Mission, Mike and Sally Breen, pg. 55 I believe that the most sustainable form of “discipleship” is cultivated in the environment of family. Pastor Chris Glantz

Importance of Spiritual Fathers (parents) I believe that the most sustainable form of “discipleship” is cultivated in the environment of family.

(4:14) By expressing love…unconditionally. 1 Corinthians 4:14-16: How do Spiritual Fathers “disciple” others in Christ? (4:14) By expressing love…unconditionally. (4:15) By intentionally investing in their lives…for the long haul. (4:16) By living a life worthy of imitation…helping them to reproduce it.

What does this look like today?

Do you want to make a lasting impact in someone's life for Christ? Step into God’s desire for His people to grow into maturity and be Spiritual Fathers (parents) in Christ? Ask God to break your heart to love others as a parent. Ask God to give you a name(s) of someone to invest in. Ask God to live a life worthy of imitation and reproducibility.