Lynda Jones Senior Progression Adviser 23rd May 2019 Utilising Mainstream and Targeted Models to Support Student Retention: the USW Progression Advice Team Experience. Lynda Jones Senior Progression Adviser 23rd May 2019
Content Overview of USW Team Vision and Strategy What we do How – Mainstream and Targeted Impact Questions.
Overview of USW 30,000 students from 120 countries Campuses in Wales and Dubai The Royal Welsh College of Music & Drama 64% over the age of 21 31% from areas of multiple deprivation USW group includes Wales’s national conservatoire - The Royal Welsh College of Music & Drama
Team Vision & Strategic Focus To support students with any issues, which have, or have the potential to affect the successful completion of their studies. Strategic Focus 70% proactive, 30% reactive. Fixing issues at source. Set up in 2017. Myself and 3.5 advisers When writing the business model for the team, I was determined to that our strategic focus would be based on 70% proactive, 30% reactive Fixing issues at source rather than paper over cracks Weekly team meetings to highlight any areas of concern. LJ’s role to highlight and ensure change is enacted where possible.
Where does the team fit? Learning and Teaching Student Support
What we do Develop and deliver initiatives to support the retention and student success agenda. Work with faculties to identify and support ‘at risk’ students. Provide support to students at risk of attrition. Support care leavers Link with Student Money Advice Team Information events Support induction activities
Mind-set: Ethos - Holistic interconnections. Individual Supporting students on a 1:1 basis Explore any circumstances which are affecting the student Work together to put a holistic support plan in place, referring to other services where appropriate Highlight where systemic issues arise Mainstream Digital campaigns targeting pinch points of the year Targeted Target at risk students – Developed online resources for students and lecturers to support these groups, e.g. repeating / returning interruption of studies Faculty Based Each adviser is partnered with a faculty to develop initiatives to support progression and retention. Initiatives are agreed through the Faculty Executive. Work with faculties to proactively identify and support ‘at risk’ students. Curriculum Group work campaign - Lack of group work assessment guidance , raised at LTEC, best practise review to be undertaken led by CELT and guidance to be developed Attend pre-validation events Provide guidance on: Inclusive curriculum Supporting key progression issues such as integrating different cohorts key areas where students may fail/leave Regulation/Policy Highlight areas of concern, write business cases for change, develop in to action plans. Wrong reason on IoS record – issues escalated – refresher training provided
Individual Students seeking support Complex cases Information and guidance Bespoke Holistic Outcome Focused
Targeted We target potentially ‘at-risk’ students Provide key online information relating to their circumstances Support mechanisms Self Help Self Reflective 1:1 & Group Support
At Risk Student Groups Students undertaking a repeat module(s)/ repeat year Students who interrupted their studies in the previous academic year Students who were offered an unconditional offer, but failed to meet their predicted grades Students undertaking resit coursework/ examination We contact all the above ‘at-risk’ group via email and provide them with useful information in relation to support and services available at USW which may enable them to remain on-track with their studies.
Lack of Engagement Required to follow up students who are no longer engaging. The University expects that students: attend and actively participate in all timetabled activities; make appropriate use of their VLE; submit assessments on time; respond to University communications. Engagement regulations therefore not robust – business case and action plan – resulted in regs being updated.
Faculty Initiatives Faculty of Computing, Engineering & Science Providing bespoke, online feedback and access to examination scripts for students required to undertake resit examinations in August 2019 Faculty of Life Sciences & Education Providing free coaching and online resources for students required to undertake repeat modules/ year. Faculty of Business and Society Providing interactive induction sessions for students undertaking a foundation year (Level 3) Faculty of Creative Industries Supporting students on ‘top-up’ years (Level 6) and the transition of students from Level 4 to Level 5.
First Year Impact Supported 765 individual students The two most successful digital campaigns at USW Targeted 2902 students with bespoke online support Improved retention for targeted ‘risk groups’ by 6.4% Bounce back and Halloween – most successful campaigns
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