SPLAYED, a Novel SWI/SNF ATPase Homolog, Controls Reproductive Development in Arabidopsis Doris Wagner, Elliot M. Meyerowitz Current Biology Volume 12, Issue 2, Pages 85-94 (January 2002) DOI: 10.1016/S0960-9822(01)00651-0
Figure 1 SYD Is Required for Petal and Stamen Formation in lfy-5 (A) An lfy-5 mutant flower. (B) An lfy-5 syd -1 double-mutant flower, consisting of sepal- and carpel-like organs, which arose in a spiral phyllotaxis. (C) An lfy-6 null mutant flower with sepals and carpels. Current Biology 2002 12, 85-94DOI: (10.1016/S0960-9822(01)00651-0)
Figure 2 In Situ Hybridization Analysis of Floral Homeotic Gene Expression (A–D) lfy-5 flowers. (E–H) lfy-5 syd-1 flowers. Flowers are shown in cross-section. Arrowheads point to AP1- and AG-expressing organs. The scale bar represents 250 μm. Whorls 1–4 are marked where applicable (w1–w4). The genes analyzed are indicated above the panels. (I) Quantitative RT-PCR analysis. RT-PCR analysis of message levels in inflorescences of 3-week-old wild-type Ler and mutant plants. Messages analyzed are indicated to the left. Current Biology 2002 12, 85-94DOI: (10.1016/S0960-9822(01)00651-0)
Figure 3 SYD Acts Redundantly with LFY and UFO in Class B Gene Regulation (A) A ufo-6 mutant flower. (B) Two typical syd-1 ufo-6 mutant flowers. (C) A wild-type flower (Ler). (D) syd-1 mutant flowers with petals and stamens. (E) A syd-2 mutant flower with petals and stamens. Current Biology 2002 12, 85-94DOI: (10.1016/S0960-9822(01)00651-0)
Figure 4 syd Causes Precocious Floral Transition (A) A syd-1 inflorescence. (B) A syd-2 inflorescence. (C and D) The floral transition of syd compared to Ler is most precocious under short-day conditions. (C) syd-2 inflorescence compared to Ler inflorescence. Secondary inflorescences are indicated by arrows, and the first flower is marked by an asterisk. (D) A closeup of syd-1 flower. (A) and (B) are grown in continuous light; (C) and (D) are grown in short-day conditions. (E–H) LFY is required for the precocious floral transition in syd. (E) Determinate flower-like structures are formed in lfy-5 syd-1, but less frequently in (F) lfy-5 syd-2 or (G) lfy-6 syd. (H) Later stage of lateral structure visible in (G). (I–J) Quantitative RT-PCR analysis of message levels in wild-type Ler and syd-2 mutant seedlings with four mature leaves grown in (I) continuous light (CL) or under (J) short-day conditions (SD). The messages assayed are indicated. Current Biology 2002 12, 85-94DOI: (10.1016/S0960-9822(01)00651-0)
Figure 5 Developmental Defects in syd Mutants (A) Scanning electron microscopy of terminated inflorescence meristem in syd-1. (B) Scanning electron microscopy of the unfused gynoecium tip in syd-2 mutants. (C) Wild-type (Ler) gynoecium. (D) syd mutants have reduced height compared to wild-type. (E) Leaves and bracts of syd mutants are small and upward curling. The last two rosette leaves and the first three bracts (from left to right) are shown. (F) Cleared syd-1 ovules without embryo sac. (G) Cleared ovules of the wild-type with embryo (polar nuclei are indicated by the arrow). The scale bars represent 100 μm ([A], [B], and [C]) or 10 μm ([F] and [G]). Current Biology 2002 12, 85-94DOI: (10.1016/S0960-9822(01)00651-0)
Figure 6 Map-Based Cloning and Identity of SYD (A) Recombinants (top numbers) were used to map SYD to a region covered by three overlapping BACs. The SYD message is comprised of predicted ORFs 4 and 3 (position 31607–15294 on T3B23). (B) The SYD gene encodes a 10.7-kb mRNA with 29 exons and 27 introns. (C) The SYD N-terminal region (long rectangle) is similar to Snf2p-like ATPases. Conserved motifs include a region upstream of the ATPase domain (large circle), the ATPase domain (long oval), and an AT-hook (small circle). The C-terminal half of the predicted protein is divergent (line) and carries four novel nested repeats (small rectangles). The mutations in syd-1, syd-2, syd-3, and syd-4 are indicated. (D) The highest amino acid identity (numbers below domains) within the ATPase domain was seen with those Snf2p family members shown here. Symbols are the same as those in (C), except bromodomain (square). Accession numbers of Snf2p protein family members are: SNF2 M61703, STH1 M83755, BRM M85049, BRG1 S68108, and hBRM X72889. (E) syd-1 causes a glycine-to-glutamic acid change in box V of the ATPase domain (indicated by an asterisk). Alignment of SYD with 15 S. cerevisiae SWI/SNF ATPases. Current Biology 2002 12, 85-94DOI: (10.1016/S0960-9822(01)00651-0)
Figure 7 SYD Is Expressed in Rapidly Dividing Tissues Nonradioactive in situ hybridization analysis of SYD expression. (A) Eight-cell embryo. (B) Torpedo-stage embryo. The arrow indicates higher SYD expression in the shoot apical meristem. (C) Vegetative apical meristem with young leaf primordia and leaves. (D) Inflorescence at the floral transition with secondary inflorescence meristems. (E) Older inflorescence with stage-11 flower. (F) Cross-section through inflorescence meristem and flowers. (G) Cross-section though a mature flower. (H) Longitudinal section through carpel and ovules. (I) Inflorescence meristem probed with a sense probe. (J and K) Longitudinal section through roots. All sections are longitudinal, except those in (F) and (G), which are transverse. In (C), (D), (J), and (K), seedling age is indicated as days after germination. The scale bar represents 50 μm. The numbers in (D) and (E) indicate floral stages. st: stamen, se: sepal, ca: carpel, pe: petal, fu: funiculus, ov: ovule. Current Biology 2002 12, 85-94DOI: (10.1016/S0960-9822(01)00651-0)