A model for developing independent learning Develop teachers as Socratic mentors – teaching by questioning, managing dialogue not providing monologue Sprinkle droplets of thought (open questions, paradoxes, problems, puzzles, challenges) across the curriculum. Challenge the ‘right answer model’ by asking questions to which there is no right answer (or no easy answer). Develop independence through project work (mini projects, pilot projects, summative projects, extended projects) Carry out curriculum audit on schemes of work to see how more independent learning can be supported. Employ techniques for embedding independence within the curriculum Independent Learning: A School-Wide Approach
Open questions open minds The best questions for provoking discussion: FERTILE ACCESSIBLE CONTROVERSIAL ENGAGING Independent Learning: A School-Wide Approach
Creating deeper learning and thinking through projects Time, choice and structure – the ingredients that lead to rich project learning Steps in the project process: Planning Researching Developing Reviewing Independent Learning: A School-Wide Approach
Embedded independence Learning-based projects Collaborative research Deeper-thinking review lessons K – W – L Big problem lessons Peer instruction Student teaching Flipped schemes of work Student-led seminars Independent Learning: A School-Wide Approach
Curriculum Audit Inspection of schemes of work, lesson observation, work scrutiny What opportunities are there for discussion and debate? Are students expected to develop and use research skills during work on topics? Are they challenged to think about open questions? When they have learned about a new topic, do they have an opportunity to respond by engaging in project work? When project work happens, how much choice are students given (over what to do or how to do it)? Independent Learning: A School-Wide Approach
Plenary: Teaching for independence Independent Learning: A School-Wide Approach