From the Earth to the Moon Or From Heaven to the Earth The Greatest Journey? From the Earth to the Moon Or From Heaven to the Earth
Going to and Landing on the Moon was a magnificent journey and achievement …but its significance pales in comparison to Jesus’ journey from Heaven to earth!
The PLAN The MAN The PURPOSE Galatians 4:4,5 is a declaration of this being the Greatest Journey! In the passage, there is: The PLAN The MAN The PURPOSE NASA’s Plan: Not Foolproof Site Planners Cost Distance Risk Technology
God’s Plan was Foolproof! There was no question about the “site” Laid out in a flawless fashion – 1 Pet 1:17-20 Distance was no problem- Isa. 59:2/Rom. 5:6 Note the qualifications of the “planners”- Heb. 1:1 Willing to pay the cost- Jn. 3:16 The “technology” did not prevent the journey-Gen. 3:15; Matt. 16:18
The Man Armstrong, Aldrin and Collins were highly But how do they compare to the Man, Jesus (Matt. 1:23)? His mission was not a risk, it was a sacrifice (Matt. 16:21) He knew how the mission would end. What did He leave behind? Hope Peace Reconciliation A family Freedom Living Water Armstrong, Aldrin and Collins were highly qualified for the journey… …and their mission yielded great benefits for mankind, but what did they leave behind?
The Purpose Why did Jesus make His journey? “This is, whether we like it or not, is a race. Everything we do in space ought to be tied into getting to the moon ahead of the Russians.” Why did Jesus make His journey? To be a ransom (Matt. 20:28) To minister (Mk. 10:45) To be a doctor (Lk. 5:31) To seek out the lost (Lk. 19:10) To do the will of the Father (Jn. 17:4)