Special Education Review
Demographics Enrollment in LEA - 1,553 students Students with Disabilities - 326 students (21%) Trends 8.5% decrease in the last five years in enrollment 8.0% increase in 2017-2018 in Special Education Special Education numbers were consistent three out of the five years with a spike in 2017-2018 and 2014-2015
Strengths of Programming Continuum of services with partnerships with CCIU, IU13, other school districts Behavior Teams and Collaboration (Elementary) Coffee Shop (High School) Coffee Cart (PVIS) Snack Cart (Salisbury) PBIS with Fidelity (Salisbury/Paradise) Collaboration with building teams Research-based Intervention Programs aligned K-12 (Academic, Social, Emotional & Behavioral) Progress Monitoring Software (AIMSWEB) Co-Taught Math, Humanities, ELA (PVIS)
Strengths of Programming Token Economy’s used in our ES room Scheduling completed in best interest of student Check in and Check Out (Elementary) Small group – Direct and Intensive Instruction Sensory Room/Resources (Salisbury/PVIS/Paradise) Job Training (PVHS)
Areas of Improvement from Surveys (Teacher Survey) Finding time for special education teachers and general education teachers to collaborate. (Teacher Survey) Professional Development in the areas of differentiated instruction, modifying curriculums, cooperative learning, positive behavior intervention classroom level, positive behavior interventions for individual students, understanding of IEP, de-escalation, teaching strategies that will help all learners. (Teacher Survey) Time to understand students and their needs at the beginning of the year or prior to having them in class. (Parents) Continued support of inclusive practices and supporting families to understand this. (Parents) Need to communicate with family that their child cannot be removed from general education setting merely because of severity of disability. (Students) Checking with students on connection outside of school and if we need to support.
Audit Review Completed FSA and State was in district for a week for file reviews, interviewing staff, interviewing facilitators, observing classes, and evidence review. There were 12 findings Public School Enrollment Drop Out Rate Least Restrictive Environment Nine findings in paperwork
Next Steps Meet with Consultant from State in May Meet with Administration Team to create improvement plans Create professional development for facilitators on needs from surveys Create parent workshops to assist parents Review paperwork procedures Work with TACT team from IU13 for continued consulting and professional development