SIG RFC 2019 Relevant Summary Exécutive Council Seventieth Session SIG RFC 2019 Relevant Summary SIG RFC 05-07 March 2019 Toulouse
EC Outcomes 70th Executive Council of the WMO met in 20th June 2018 71st Session to be held after the 18th World Meteorological Congress June 2019 The session adopted 39 resolutions ,66 decisions and 28 recommendations 1 recommendation is directly relevant to SIG RFC 1 action is directly relevant to SIG RFC I resolution is of interest to SIG RFC Recommendation 12 (EC-70) Radio frequencies for meteorological and related environmental activities Action C12 Radio frequencies Resolution 20 - Publication of the SATCOM Handbook
Recommendation 12 (EC-70) Radio frequencies for meteorological and related environmental activities Recalls Resolution 29 (Cg-17) – Radio frequencies for meteorological and related environmental activities, Decision 33 (EC-69) – Preserving the radio-frequency spectrum for meteorological and related environmental activities at the World Radiocommunication Conference 2019, Decision 22 (CBS-16) – Preserving the radio-frequency spectrum for meteorological and related environmental activities at the World Radiocommunication Conference 2019
Recommendation 12 (EC-70) Radio frequencies for meteorological and related environmental activities Noting the final report of the eighteenth session of the Commission for Basic Systems Management Group, held in Geneva on 29 March 2018, Considering the rationale detailed in the annex to the present recommendation, Recommends that Congress adopt Draft Resolution XX (Cg-18) – Radio frequencies for meteorological and related environmental activities, as provided in the Annex to the present recommendation.
Considering Stressed Requests to CBS Encourages Annex to Recommendation 12 (EC-70) Draft Resolution XX (Cg-18) RADIO FREQUENCIES FOR METEOROLOGICAL AND RELATED ENVIRONMENTAL ACTIVITIES Considering The prime importance of the specific radiocommunication services for meteorological and related environmental activities The importance of information provided by the Earth exploration systems The crucial importance of the allocation of suitable radio-frequency bands for the operation of surface-based meteorological observing systems Stressed that some radio-frequency bands are a unique natural resource Requests to CBS regional associations to coordinate on a regional basis contributions of meteorological experts to the work of relevant regional telecommunication organizations and of ITU-R Encourages RAs to establish a focal point on RFC matters;
Annex to Recommendation 12 (EC-70) Draft Resolution XX (Cg-18) RADIO FREQUENCIES FOR METEOROLOGICAL AND RELATED ENVIRONMENTAL ACTIVITIES Urges all Members to do their utmost to ensure the availability and protection of suitable radio-frequency bands To ensure that their national radiocommunication administrations are fully aware of the importance of and requirements for radio frequencies for meteorological and related activities, To register adequately with their national radiocommunication administrations all radiocommunication stations and radio frequencies used for meteorological and related environmental operations and research Appeals To the International Telecommunication Union and its Member Administrations ensure the availability and absolute protection of the relevant radio-frequency bands To give due consideration to the WMO requirements for radio-frequency allocations To pay special attention to the WMO positions related to the WRC agenda
Annex to Recommendation 12 (EC-70) Draft Resolution XX (Cg-18) RADIO FREQUENCIES FOR METEOROLOGICAL AND RELATED ENVIRONMENTAL ACTIVITIES Requests to SG To bring the present resolution to the attention of all concerned, including the International Telecommunication Union; To pursue as a matter of high priority the coordination role of the Secretariat in radiofrequency matters, especially with ITU-R, including participation of WMO in ITU-R Radiocommunication Study Groups, conference preparatory meetings and World Radiocommunication Conferences; To facilitate the coordination between National Meteorological and Hydrological Services and their national radiocommunication administrations, particularly in preparing for the ITU World Radiocommunication Conferences, by providing appropriate information and documentation;
Annex to Recommendation 10 (EC-70) Key actions of the Implementation Plan for the Evolution of Global Observing Systems to be carried out by Members Action C 12 Action No. Action Performance indicator C12 Radio frequencies – Ensure a continuous monitoring of the radio frequencies which are needed for the different components of WIGOS, in order to make sure they are available and have the required level of protection. Observation frequency bands available/not available with required level of protection
Resolution 20 - Publication of the SATCOM Handbook Recalls Resolution 31 (Cg-17) – Report of the extraordinary session (2014) of the Commission for Basic Systems relevant to centres and networks of the WMO Information System, which established the WMO–Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission International Forum of Users of Satellite Data Telecommunication Systems (SATCOM User Forum) to facilitate access to satellite data telecommunication, Notes The SATCOM User Forum has developed the Satellite Data Telecommunication Handbook (SATCOM Handbook) The SATCOM Handbook has been presented to the Commission for Basic Systems Technical Conference, held from 26 to 29 March 2018 Decides To publish To designate the whole SATCOM Handbook as technical specifications To amend the text of the Guide to the WMO Information System Can be found at