Aligning Interventions across all Tiers


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Presentation transcript:

Aligning Interventions across all Tiers Rachel Saladis Michelle Polzin @rspbis @michpbis

Assessment Connection The content of this session connects to TFI Implementation, tiers 1,2,3 TFI, items 1.4, 2.3, 2.5, 3.11, 3.13

Big Ideas Schools are tasked with creating a full continuum of supports Students learn best when they are in their natural environment Some students need more support/instruction than what is available at the core Schools have limited resources

Aligning Supports so that all children learn!

4 Corners Activity Physical aggression in unstructured areas/time: pushing, shoving, hitting, biting, spitting, kicking Work refusal: shutting down, verbal refusal/confrontation, destroying work materials, wandering, disruptive noises Disrespect to adults: swearing, posturing, refusing to follow directions, walking away Move to your corner of choice

Find your People! Sort yourself by grade level/school level band Groups of 3-4 Take a piece of chart paper and move to a space that is comfortable

Further Define Behavior Briefly ( 1-2 sentences) share what this looks like, sounds like in your school Locations One student? A few students? Groups of students? Frequency Capture on chart paper

Flip the Switch What specific skills are students missing, that would impact the identified behavioral error? College and Career Readiness Social Emotional Learning Competencies Capture skills on your chart paper

MAIN IDEA: : Make sure the we don’t just provide school compliance examples/behavioral indicators. We need to think past that in terms of examples of what makes kids successful both in the classroom and beyond (College career ready skills, academic enabler skills, social emotional skills, etc. Bridging the states vision to these academic and social emotional skills that students need to develop to be college, career and community ready.

Your Turn Try it with one of the following: Math Writing Science ACP Physical Education Co-curricular activities Other Need paper from hotel

Example: We use “Zones” with students at Tier 2 Universal SW/Classroom—Fit with Tier 1 Language? Targeted Group Supports—Support & build fluency? Individualized Interventions—Decrease intensity over time? “Don’t Teach in Intervention if you didn’t teach it at Tier 1”

Think Where does your intervention for the identified skill/ behavioral error currently “ live”? curriculum language tier How will you connect/align this instruction across all tiers? Are these skills currently taught universally? If not, where do these skills fit into your school-wide expectations? ( Safe, Respectful, Responsible) Do targeted group interventions currently exist to support the acquisition/fluency development of these skills? Do individualized interventions currently exist to support the acquisition/fluency development of these skills?

What next? How is this similar or different than what is currently occurring in your school/district? What information do you need to share with your team/school/district?