The Cold War and The Bridge of Spies What led to The Bridge of Spies? A YouTube Lesson! Yes we are making you use YouTube! Click on link below and watch the trailer for the movie to preview what we are learning about. Complete the following questions on your paper using the YouTube Video links. Simply click on the links to watch the videos that go with the questions.
Summary of the Cold War (Play entire video) After viewing answer these questions on your paper. Why did the US and the USSR have tension prior and during the Cold War? What is the purpose of the Marshall plan? What 3 locations involved the US military during the Cold War? Why was the Berlin wall built by the Soviet Union? What was Sputnik that started the Space Race? Who said “Tear down that wall!”?
Fear of Doom by Nuclear War Sweeps America with USSR launching of Atomic Bomb! (Play entire video) 7. Why do you think the government thought this was an important message? 8. Do you think that this film and drill eased fear in America or increase fear in America? Why? 9. Would this method really protect people in a nuclear fallout? Why or how? 10. It is important to practice emergency situations, so that correct actions are taken. What kind of safety drills do you learn and practice today in school? 11. In your opinion, do you think the safety drills we practice in school today prepare you for the real situation? Why or how?
How does Russia get the information of Atomic Bomb? (Stop playing video at 9:10) After viewing answer this question. 12. What is espionage? 13. Who was Julias Rosengburg? 14. What was Venona? 15. How did the information obtained by the USSR from the Rosenbergs and operatives change the Cold War? 16. What happened to the Rosenbergs in the end? 17. What role did the media play in the punishment of the Rosenbergs and how did it impact the case?
What are the true stories that lead to Bridge of Spies? (Stop playing video at 6:35) After viewing: 18.. Who was Rudolf Abel? 19. What happened to Haden, Rudolf’s assistant? 20. Why didn’t he receive the same punishment as the Rosenbergs? (Stop playing video at 2:24 minutes) 21. Who is Gary Powers? 22. What happened to Gary Powers? 23. Who was James Donavan and what did he do? 24. What kinds of modern technologies resulted from the cold war?
Spies Today: Answer the following question based on your knowledge and what you have learned from this presentation. 25. What roles do you think Russia spies play today in America? 26. Edward Snowden was an US intelligence collector for the CIA, collecting information on US citizens and non-citizens through means of internet hacking and wiretapping in supposed anti-terrorism efforts by the government when he grew disgruntled with what he felt were unethical practices by the US government. He then defected from the US with knowledge and access to national security classified information. He fled first to The Netherlands where he released some of the information to a media source and then to Russia where he currently has asylum. If the US gets him back, what should they do? 27. Why do you think Russia is supporting and protecting Snowden? 28. In your opinion, do you think Russia is a threat to the US today? Explain why or how.
Now Let’s Watch the Movie Bridge of Spies! You will have essay questions that follow the movie so pay close attention to story in the movie. Pay attention to society’s beliefs and fears during the Cold War. Pay attention to the amendments used by Donovan to defend Abel. Pay attention to the methods used by the US to spy on the USSR. Pay attention to role of the Berlin Wall and the Eastern German government. Pay attention to the attitude of the USSR during the diplomatic negotiations.