Big Idea 14: Organization and Development of Living Organisms SC.1.L.14.2 Plant Structures Grade 1 Quarter 3 Topic X Office of Academics - Department of Science
Grade 1 Pacing guide Topic X Organization and Development of Living Organisms Benchmarks SC.1.L.14.2 Identify the major parts of plants, including stem, roots, leaves, and flowers. SC.1.N.1.1 Raise questions about the natural world, investigate them in teams through free explorations, and generate appropriate explanations based on those explorations. SC.1.N.1.3 Keep records as appropriate – such as pictorial and written records – of investigations conducted. SC.1.N.1.4 Ask “how do you know” in appropriate situations. Office of Academics - Department of Science
Different Parts of the Plant Flower Different Parts of the Plant Leaf A plant has four main parts: Roots Stem Leaf Flower Stem There is a good foldable available to use in your AIMS book. Roots Office of Academics - Department of Science
Roots The roots are at the bottom of the plant, they go into the ground The roots takes in water. Roots hold the plant in the ground. Office of Academics - Department of Science
Stem The stem is above the roots and is like the body of the plant. The stem takes water from the roots. Stems carry water to other parts of the plant. Office of Academics - Department of Science
Leaf (Leaves) The leaf grows from the stem. The leaf makes food for the plant. Office of Academics - Department of Science
Flowers The flower is at the tip of the stem. The flower makes seeds for the plant. Office of Academics - Department of Science
Leaf Safari Time for a field trip. We will take 10 minutes to go outside and collect leaves. When we come back, everyone will make observations of their leaves. There is a Leaf Safari printable handout in your AIMS book. Office of Academics - Department of Science
Where did you find your leaf? How wide and long is your leaf? What color is your leaf? What does your leaf smell like? What does your leaf feel like? Why is your leaf important for the plant? Observe a Leaf With the leaves we collected outside, let’s take a look at some of their characteristics. These is a premade activity sheet in your AIMS book titled Observe a Leaf. Office of Academics - Department of Science
Let’s take a look at how plants grow and change!! Sid the Science Kid Video Let’s take a look at how plants grow and change!! Watch this video and discuss with the students. Office of Academics - Department of Science
Parts of the Plant Quiz Root Flower Stem Leaf It makes food for the plant It takes water from the roots and carries water to different parts of the plant. It takes in water It makes seeds for the plant As a review, do this matching game review quiz with the students. Office of Academics - Department of Science