Near-Field Physics of Lower-Hybrid Wave Coupling to Long-Pulse, High Temperature Plasmas in Tore Supra A dynamic Stark effect measurement performed near a LHCD antenna on Tore Supra Experimental Db spectral line profile fits the theoretical profile with a radial polarization of the RF electric field, consistently with LH propagation Amplitude of the RF field is consistent with low Te at the LHCD antenna (~4eV) => Db emission probability peaks ~6.5cm away from the antenna ne0=1.5 ne0=2 ne0=3 P1/2 Ln=2mm Ln=1.5mm (1017m-3) Large data base (~230 points) indicate that ERF scales as expected (Pcoupled1/2) assuming edge density is close to the cut-off density (~2×1017m-3) When the most outer waveguides are switched off, the measured electric field does not vary significantly as the rays avade the emission region