Radiographic images in cadaver 1 obtained with fluoroscopic guidance


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Presentation transcript:

Radiographic images in cadaver 1 obtained with fluoroscopic guidance Radiographic images in cadaver 1 obtained with fluoroscopic guidance.A, Lateral view of the lumbar spine shows the guidewire entering the spinal canal and ascending it.B, Anteroposterior view shows the guidewire ascending in the canal from the lumbar entry ... Radiographic images in cadaver 1 obtained with fluoroscopic guidance.A, Lateral view of the lumbar spine shows the guidewire entering the spinal canal and ascending it.B, Anteroposterior view shows the guidewire ascending in the canal from the lumbar entry point. Phillip D. Purdy et al. AJNR Am J Neuroradiol 2003;24:361-365 ©2003 by American Society of Neuroradiology