Poster instructions You can use the following page in this template to prepare your poster Poster printing size is in format A0 (118,9 x 84,1 cm or 46,8 x 33,1 in) Click on the title box to add the title of the paper. Font automatically resizes based on the length of text. Click on the ID box to add the paper ID (Conftool). Font automatically resizes based on the length of text Click on the authors box to add authors name and affiliations. Font does not resize automatically. Please don’t use larger fonts. Click on each column to add text. Text does not resize, but you can modify it according to your needs. You can use single, two or more columns but Left and right margins have to be 5 cm Columns have to start 29 cm (11,4 in) from the top and their length have to be 80 cm (31,5 in) as from this template Figures have to stay within the margins of one or more columns You can add sections and subsections according to your needs with suitable titles and subtitles Institutional logos of all authors have to be added in the space indicated below Please use Calibri fonts or similar. Once you have finished, please delete the instructions slide and save/print your poster