Strategic Projects – ARPL Timeframes and Documents February 2018
Background The Artisan Related RPL project was previously management by the ETQA unit – Vusimusi Mkhatswa CHIETA MANCO has taken a decision for this project to move to the Strategic Projects Unit – now will be managed by Princess Moumakoe ETQA will still be responsible for their quality assurance role Princess will manage the grant disbursement Tranche deliverables have not changes, the deliverables in the MOA remain the same. Clarified as follows:
Tranche 1a Deliverables No. Type Deliverable 1 Company Signed MoA 2 Signed CHIETA Tranche Deliverable Plan (Initiation meeting) As of 13/02/2018 all tranche 1a’s have been processed for payment
Tranche 1b Deliverables No. Type Deliverable 1 Learner Certified Learner ID Copy 2 Learner Contract 3 Letter to confirm that learner is permanently employed (employed learners) or Services letters to confirm the duration of employment & duties. 4 Learner Copy of Highest Qualification obtained. 5 Fully completed & signed Artisan RPL application & DHET Trade test application: The fully completed ARPL application is inclusive of the following: Pre-evaluation and assessment of the candidate prior to the registration at CHIETA and issuing of trade test serial number. Signed ARPL Portfolio of evidence checklist(for toolkit trades only) Signed statement of results from the pre-assessment conducted by the TTC for toolkit trades. For trades where the toolkit is not implemented, TTC must submit the candidate pre-assessment report using the CHIETA template Only learners that pass the pre-assessment is eligible for enrolment on this funded project 6 Company Grant Claim Form 7 Learner Schedule 8
Tranche 2 Deliverables No. Type Deliverable 1 Learner Summary Consolidation Report 2 Trade Test Completion Report 3 Learner Interviews(100%) 4 Company Closeout Report 5 Monitoring Report 6 Proof of Expenditure 7 Grant Claim Form 8 Learner Schedule
Timeframes Tranche Due Date Quarter Tranche 1b All evidence must be submitted no later than 2 March 2018 Q4 - 2017/2018 Tranche 2 All evidence must be submitted no later than 29 June 2018 Q2- 2018/2019
Strategic Projects & WIL Manager THANK YOU Princess Moumakoe Strategic Projects & WIL Manager 011-628 7000 EXT 2004 082 438 1393