RODNEY THOMPSON MIDDLE SCHOOL JAGUAR PRIDE Welcome to the Rising 6th Grade Parent Orientation
And now a few words from our PTO President Stacey Bertotti
THE MIDDLE SCHOOL STUDENT Major changes from 6th to 8th grade Egocentric Finding identity Importance of peer groups and acceptance Push limits and boundaries Assert independence
WHAT WE CAN DO TO HELP Greatest opportunity to have a significant impact Provide a safe, nurturing environment Recognize their needs and let go…a little Establish and maintain clear boundaries Help them to understand and accept consequences of actions Work together – partners with parents
6TH GRADE BELL SCHEDULE 8:20 – 9:51 8:20 – 9:40 9:44 – 10:14 MONDAY TUESDAY-FRIDAY 1 8:20 – 9:51 8:20 – 9:40 ACT 9:44 – 10:14 2 9:55 – 11:25 10:18 – 12:03 Lunch 10:41 – 11:06 A Lunch 11:06 – 11:31 B 3 11:29 – 1:19 11:29- 11:54 A 11:54 – 12:19 B 12:07 – 1:27 4 / 5 1:23 – 2:50 1:31 – 2:50
6TH GRADE ELECTIVE ROTATION X Day Y Day FPA 45 minutes FPA 45 minutes PHYSICAL 45 minutes EDUCATION WHEEL 45 minutes CLASS (changes every 9 weeks) Fine and Performing Arts (FPA) Wheel Classes Band Family & Consumer Science Chorus Technology Orchestra Computers Drama/Art Health
SCHOOL COUNSELING SERVICES AT RTMS Middle School – Transitioning from childhood to adolescence. Rapid Physical Growth Curiosity about the world around them emerging self-identity a need to explore a variety of interests connecting their learning in the classroom to life & work Turning to peers for ideas and affirmation Comprehensive Developmental School Counseling Program - Collaborate with administrators, families, teachers, and community agencies to create a caring and supportive climate - mental, emotional and social perspective. Our Goal: Enhance the learning process Promote academic achievement Prepare for secondary and post-secndary opportunities Achieve optimal personal growth Realize full academic and personal potential
RTMS School Counseling Programs Academic Support and Planning - monitor progress, set goals, placement, scheduling, skill development Individual Student Support - includes parent and family outreach, referrals to outside agencies Small Group Counseling - needs assessment, recommendations Study Skills: organizational, test-taking, time-management, goal setting…..and more Understanding self and others; peer relations, effective social skills, conflict resolution, decision making….and more as needed Classroom Lessons College and Career Planning
RTMS Exciting Events Bullying Prevention Campaign Red Ribbon Week Homework Club Career Program and Career Day - awareness, investigation, exploration, and planning Interest Inventory- VA View Our Goal and areas in which we offer help Promote student self-advocacy, conflict resolution, and self-management.
SCHOOL CLIMATE POSITIVE STUDENT RECOGNITION P. A. W. S. = Positively Achieving, Well-behaved Students Leadership Opportunities A Day Honor Rolls: A/B, All A Teacher’s Recognitions
The Program of Studies is a helpful resource where you can find course names & descriptions.
Monday, May 13th and Wednesday, May 15th from 4-6pm It is recommended that students come and try out the instruments to aid in successful placement. The options are as follows: Monday, May 13th and Wednesday, May 15th from 4-6pm Other dates/times by appointment.
Scott Trotta Gifted & Accelerated Program - (Focus) Accelerated Math Teacher RTMS FOCUS PROGRAM Goal: Provide a challenging and enriching educational experience that meets the unique needs of exceptional learners!
WHAT I DO… Collaborate regularly with classroom teachers; Provide enrichment resources and materials to classroom teachers; Plan and co-teach lessons in the classroom that extend and accelerate the curriculum; Plan and co-teach ACT enrichment courses; Design and oversee independent studies for students who want to participate in 2 events at once; Please see my website under “Specialists” if interested in learning more about the Gifted Program.
Middle School Mathematics Overview Good Evening, I am _________________, a (describe role in math department or school). Tonight I would like to give you an overview of Stafford County’s Middle School Mathematics program. I will start by talking about the instructional focuses of middle school mathematics.
Middle School Mathematics Instruction In grades 6 through 8 mathematics, there is a focus on helping students to become flexible problem solvers. Work with rational numbers is emphasized. Proportional reasoning is the key to making connections to many middle school mathematics topics. Flexible thinking is encouraged when students solve problems.
Process Goals for All Students Becoming mathematical problem solvers Communicating mathematically Reasoning mathematically Making mathematical connections Using mathematical representations to model and interpret practical situations There are 5 process goals established by the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics that are incorporated throughout middle school mathematics instruction: 1) Problem Solving - students will develop a repertoire of skills and strategies for solving a variety of problems 2) Communication - students will clarify their thinking and deepen their understanding of the mathematics being studied 3) Reasoning - students will learn and apply inductive and deductive reasoning skills in order to justify steps in mathematical procedures 4) Connections - students will build upon prior knowledge to relate concepts and procedures from different topics within mathematics 5) Representations - students will understand that representations of mathematical ideas are an essential part of learning, doing, and communicating mathematics
Available 6th Grade Mathematics Courses Extended Mathematics 6 Extended Mathematics 7 As a rising 6th grader, your child has three potential classes that he or she may be enrolled in.
Mathematics 6 This course provides opportunities for students to: transition from an emphasis placed on whole number arithmetic in elementary school to a more in-depth study of rational numbers and the preliminary foundations of algebra perform operations with rational numbers, recognize decimals, fractions, and percents as ratios, gain a foundation in the understanding of and operations with integers, solve linear equations and inequalities in one variable, and represent proportional relationships using two variables. Mathematics 6 is a one-year course that includes all of the Virginia 6th grade standards of learning. Students will take the Grade 6 SOL at the end of this course. There is an emphasis placed on operations with fractions, decimals and integers, as well as an exploration of ways to represent proportional relationships.
Extended Mathematics 6 This course is designed for students who have a solid foundation in performing operations with rational numbers, have demonstrated a strong ability to reason flexibly, and can learn material at an accelerated pace. In addition to Mathematics 6 content, students will solve 2-step linear equations, and represent proportional relationships using two variables and evaluate algebraic expressions. Extended Mathematics 6 is a one-year course that includes all of the Virginia 6th grade standards of learning along with approximately half of the Virginia 7th grade standards of learning. Students will take the Grade 6 SOL at the end of the course. Students must meet specified criteria for placement. There is an emphasis on more in-depth explorations of proportional relationships and work with algebraic expressions and equations.
Extended Mathematics 7 This course is designed for students who have a solid foundation in performing operations with rational numbers, have demonstrated a readiness for abstract levels of algebraic thinking, and who can learn material at an accelerated pace. Students will develop an understanding of proportional reasoning, represent and solve multi-step linear equations and inequalities in a variety of ways, and discover the concept of slope as a rate of change. Extended Mathematics 7 is a one-year course that includes Virginia 7th and 8th grade standards of learning. Students will take the Grade 7 SOL test at the end of this course. Students must meet specified criteria for placement. Upon successful completion of this course, students are ready for Algebra I.
What is the criteria used for placement recommendations? Criteria for Placement Recommendation Extended Mathematics 6 Extended Mathematics 7 4th Grade Mathematics SOL 425 or higher 475 or higher 5th Grade Mathematics SOL 450 or higher 500 or higher NWEA MAP Growth Mathematics RIT 226 or higher 233 or higher 5th Grade Teacher Recommendation 18 to 20 points Must meet 3 out of 4 criteria to be recommended These are the criteria points that are used for 6th grade mathematics placement recommendations. The 4 criteria points shown in the chart were developed by elementary and middle school mathematics administrators, teachers, coaches, and specialists to give us guidance in this process. It is important for each student to be in the mathematics class that will appropriately challenge them. There are multiple opportunities for various stakeholders to give feedback. Parents do have a role in this process and should contact the middle school if they have concerns about the recommended math placement. Letters will be mailed home by the end of June with the 6th grade mathematics placement recommendation.
SCPS Mathematics Course Pathways As you can see from the chart, there are many different pathways that your child can take in mathematics. The pathway that your child decides on should be driven by your their interests and talents. There are many choices from the time they enter middle school until they graduate. All students will have the opportunity to take high-level mathematics courses before they graduate from high school.
Opportunities for Acceleration First Part of the School Year for 6th and 7th Graders Summer Mathematics Extensions for Rising 7th and 8th Graders Regardless of which course your child is placed in at the beginning of the academic year, there are opportunities for acceleration. Within the first few weeks of school, students complete the beginning of the year mathematics assessments. Based on this data, students are monitored by their mathematics teachers and the mathematics specialist or coach to determine if students are demonstrating they are ready for an accelerated course. We are aware that students mature, both mentally and academically, at different rates. Stafford County also offers other opportunities for acceleration in mathematics courses for rising 7th and 8th graders that demonstrated excellence in math over the academic year. We are doing our very best to ensure that the mathematical needs of your child is appropriately matched to his or her 6th grade mathematics course. Students in middle school are placed in courses that will challenge them and keep them learning. We want them to grow mathematically without becoming frustrated. Rose Averett - RTMS Math Specialist
WHAT MAY BE NEW FOR A RISING 6TH GRADER? Multiple teachers Switching classes Lockers ACT- Jaguar Jumpstart **HUGE TRANSITION** Don’t let go of the reins just yet!!! Communication is key! Agenda ParentVue E-mail
BINDER/ORGANIZATION: Decide on a system that will work best for your child Help your child organize at home by checking to see that the papers are in divider pockets or are buckled in. Make sure your child is utilizing his/her agenda. Do NOT throw anything away!!! ORGANIZE do not clean out! We will clean out in class!
HOMEWORK HINTS Check your child’s agenda every night. Also keep up to date with your email. 6th grade teachers rely a lot on ParentVue and Google Classroom for communication! Check your child’s homework for completion. Watch your child place homework in his/her binder/bag. Help your child review several days before a quiz or test. They need help developing GOOD STUDY HABITS!!!
ELECTIVE OPTIONS AT RTMS Chorus, Band, Orchestra Intro. to Tech. Drama Art ELECTIVE OPTIONS AT RTMS PE/Health (required) Computer Solutions Family & Consumer Science
ATHLETIC OPTIONS AT RTMS Football Field Hockey Volleyball Basketball Track & Field Softball Wrestling
SEC/SUPPORT Use agenda, organizational tools, and communication with teachers to help with managing organization. Communicate with teachers on missing assignments and other behaviors. Schedule a meeting with the teacher if concerns arise through guidance. After meeting, if concerns still exist, contact Mrs. Sullivan to schedule a student education committee meeting, also known as an SEC, to implement more structured interventions.
Mrs. Lori Riti Special Education Services 504 Plans SOL Tutoring After School Homework Club ACT - Academic Support Mrs. Lori Riti Assistant Principal Special Ed. Designee
NANCY DAYLEY, RN, BSN SCHOOL NURSE RTMS Going to the Nurse Please update contact and health information Students with Special Needs Students with Allergies/Health Conditions New Medication Orders – Every Year T-dap - New Law No T-dap – Religious/Medical Exemption
Rodney E. Thompson Middle School THANK YOU FOR COMING Please share any questions you may have tonight or over the next week by using the email below. We will respond over the next week. Rodney E. Thompson Middle School