Text Features
Non-Fiction Text Features Helps the reader to better understand what they are reading about Gives the reader extra information Text features can be found in textbooks, magazine article, report, web pages and other forms of non-fiction text. Non-Fiction Text Features
Bold Print Words with thick, heavy lines
Diagrams Drawings of something to show its parts Diagrams Drawings of something to show its parts. Labels are often added to the diagram.
Labels Help the reader identify parts of a diagram. Photo courtesy of Pixabay – pubic domain images
Glossary A alphabetized list of special words in a book and their meanings.
Headings The title, subtitle, or topic that stands at the top or beginning, as of a paragraph, letter, or chapter.
Sidebars Boxes of information to the side of the main text/column.
Table of Contents Helps the reader identify key topics in the book in the order they are presented.
Drawings Help the reader understand what something could have looked liked. Photo courtesy of Pixabay – pubic domain images
Key Helps the reader know how to interpret information on a map.
Captions Information near a photograph or illustration that describes the subject of the picture.
Photographs Help the reader better understand a picture or photograph Photo courtesy of Pixabay – public domain images