Defining how learning analytics can support student engagement in assessment and feedback Context Carmen Tomas Simon Walker Project funded by @bonbibi77 @sialker
Summary Background Discussion Progress and plans
Learning analytics to date are limited (retention, predict grades) Project background Learning analytics to date are limited (retention, predict grades) Data driven, visible sources Absence of theoretical underpinning Source:
explore the feasibility of gathering data Project objectives identify data sources relevant to student assessment and feedback (theory, research) to advancing potential of LA outputs explore the feasibility of gathering data identify ways in which student and staff assessment literacy may be developed This is a different approach. We are looking at where we should capture data, not using the data we have!
Progress since February 19 Literature reviews Problems with A&F (load, tutor-centric systems…) Theoretical models: self-regulated learning, validity in assessment Research on LA to date (e.g. student preferences) What should be the objectives for LA in assessment what decisions in stages of staff and student assessment life-cycles could be supported? Identified participating HEIs University of Nottingham, University College London, University of Hertfordshire, University of Bristol
Objectives of LA Areas of activity where students could be supported Staying motivated Managing time effectively (load, planning, managing effort) Self-assessment Feedback on drafts Help seeking (actions, knowing what to do to improve) Areas of activity where staff could be supported Programme level design: load Review of assessments (standards, difficulty of assessments) Comment 1 and 2 are about process of writing rather than anything specific to the rubric Comments 3, 4, 5 are specific but show different levels of understanding. So 3 relates to “knowledge”. Comment 4 shows the student hasn’t really understood, although important, it isn’t really going to affect the grade. Comment 5 relate to an example of critical thinking.
Preliminary interviews on objectives of LA with staff and students Next steps Preliminary interviews on objectives of LA with staff and students Oct – Dec 19 main data collection with staff and students
Thanks for listening and get in touch to get updates or take part Dr Carmen Tomas Professor Simon Walker Thanks for listening and get in touch to get updates or take part