5th Grade Teachers Heather Cooper Adam McCord Julie Nepple Dezarae Norris Katie Rodebaugh Nicole Stewart Misty Vaughn
Information from Administration Car Rider Procedures at http://www.cobbk12.org/MtView/ Morning drop off/car pool line begins at 7:20. Late afternoon check out needs to occur prior to 2:00. From 2:00-2:30, our front office is very busy with dismissal. All Mountain View students will be registered for ASP. Students who are not picked up will be checked into ASP. Attendance Policy Bus Lot/Fire Lane Transportation Changes Blackboard Connect JN
Important testing dates Iowa (ITBS)- September 11th-15th RI (Reading Inventory)- First, third, and fourth quarter MI (Math Inventory)- First, third, and fourth quarter Georgia Milestones- April 11th-20th KR
Communication Regular two-way communication Allow at least a 24-hour response time Email Blog ParentVue DN
Study habits & grades Students’ work ethic/study habits will be kept track of by their teacher. Homework, work effort, and missing/late assignments will all be taken into account to determine a student’s work/study habits grade on the quarterly report card. In a nine-week’s period: - 0-5 occurrences in any of these categories will result in an S on the report card - 6-9 occurrences in any of these categories will result in an N on the report card -9 or more occurrences in any of these categories will result in a U on the report card More than 5 occurrences in the Quarter will make a student ineligible to receive Honor Roll or Principal’s List award at the end of the year. If your child earns a C or below in a specialist class, he or she will be ineligible for academic awards at the end of the year. DN
Study habits & grades Grades are weighted in all classes according to the following grading scale: Tests are worth 30% of a student’s final grade. Performance tasks (projects) are worth 30% of a student’s final grade. Quizzes are worth 20% of a students final grade. Classwork is worth 20% of a student’s final grade. Students are to record assignments in their agendas each day. Request to Retest Form – can only be used on tests, not including spelling. This is only a request and a child’s work/study habits will be taken into consideration. MV
Academic Matters Math workshop Writer’s Workshop (Lucy Calkins Units of Study) Reader’s Workshop (Expeditionary Learning) It is expected that students read, at least 20 minutes, each night. Homework: 50 minutes of core academic homework Monday through Thursday night (in addition to reading) Spelling test weekly Required extension science and social studies performance tasks and at- home projects Data-driven instruction and assessment AM
Reading Level descriptors DRA (Developmental Reading Assessment) – On-level ranges July-November: 40 December-May: 50 RI – Reading Inventory Below Basic: BR-615 Basic: 620-825 Proficient: 830-1010 Advanced: 1015+ HC
Math Level descriptor MI – Math Inventory Below Basic: EM400-540 Proficient: 820-1020 Advanced: 1025+ KR
Behavior Homeroom teacher behavior management system will determine student‘s quarterly behavior grade 80 % and above – S on report card 74-79 % - N on report card 73 % and below – U on report card If a student earns a 79 % or below (N or U) for any quarterly report card in the behavior category, including specials, they will be ineligible for Honor Roll or Principal’s List awards at the end of the year MV
Please email us if you have additional questions. Thank you for visiting Please email us if you have additional questions.