Dean of Engagement Evaluation 2018 - 2019
This caused some delay in starting the evaluation process for 18-19. Dean of Engagement Evaluation Introduction Deans of Engagement are evaluated using the TDES portal to manage the process for 18-19. This caused some delay in starting the evaluation process for 18-19. 9/4/2019
They are evaluated on their own job description and their own rubric. Dean of Engagement Evaluation Introduction Deans of Engagement are not principals, assistant principals, or curriculum and instructional specialists. They are evaluated on their own job description and their own rubric. The use of the TDES portal to manage their evaluation does not change the nature of their job. 9/4/2019
Deans of Engagement are evaluated by the school principal. Dean of Engagement Evaluation Introduction Deans of Engagement are evaluated by the school principal. The principal as the supervisor of the DOE should conduct the evaluation. 9/4/2019
Deans of Engagement have their own rubric developed by CMSD. Dean of Engagement Evaluation Introduction Deans of Engagement have their own rubric developed by CMSD. DOEs are not evaluated on the OPES rubric or the TDES rubric. They have had their own rubric for three years. 9/4/2019
Deans of Engagement do not receive a raise based on their performance. Dean of Engagement Evaluation Introduction Deans of Engagement do not receive a raise based on their performance. Only principals and assistant principals have salary adjustments based on performance at this time. 9/4/2019
Dean of Engagement Evaluation Evaluation Process Prior to beginning the evaluation process both the DOE and the principal should review the DOE job description and the DOE rubric. These are both on the Performance Management web site under OPES: Dean of Engagement. 9/4/2019
Dean of Engagement evaluation should have: Growth Plan Mid-year Evaluation Process Dean of Engagement evaluation should have: Growth Plan Mid-year Summative Evidence of performance can be collected in the TDES portal to assist with assigning ratings. 9/4/2019
Dean of Engagement Evaluation Growth Plan If you already created a growth plan you can upload it into the TDES portal. If you did not create a growth plan yet, you should create one to discuss at your Mid-year review. 9/4/2019
The purpose of a growth plan is to: Dean of Engagement Evaluation Growth Plan The purpose of a growth plan is to: Reflect on prior year’s performance Plan for the current or upcoming year Identify areas for development Align your work to CMSD and the school Discuss your plan with your supervisor Receive feedback on your plan Revise if needed Document progress or obstacles 9/4/2019
Create at least one goal for your own development (competency) Dean of Engagement Evaluation Growth Plan Create at least one goal for your own development (competency) Create at least one goal that supports the vision and mission of the school (functional) 9/4/2019
Dean of Engagement Evaluation Growth Plan Your goals are NOT to perform the duties of your job. That is a base-line expectation. Your goals describe how and at what level you will perform your assigned duties. 9/4/2019
Competency goals describe improvements in your personal performance Dean of Engagement Evaluation Growth Plan Competency goals describe improvements in your personal performance Respond to all emails and phone calls within 24 hours. Update social media presence for communication to stakeholders three times a week. Increase collaboration with school support staff (paras, cafeteria, and security teams). Utilize HEART method to reply and respond to communication requests. Review and use school data to plan and assess programs. 9/4/2019
Functional goals support the vision and mission of the school Dean of Engagement Evaluation Growth Plan Functional goals support the vision and mission of the school Increase number of literacy nights by three. Increase parental attendance at events by 25%. Establish girls group and boys group that will meet three times per quarter. Offer a professional development series on trauma-informed practice that will meet four times a year. Start an adult book group for parents that will read four books a year. 9/4/2019
The SMART goal framework may help you focus and write your goals. Dean of Engagement Evaluation Growth Plan The SMART goal framework may help you focus and write your goals. Specific: What is the desired result? (who, what, when, why, how) Measurable: How can you quantify (numerically or descriptively) completion? How can you measure progress? Achievable: What skills are needed? What resources are necessary? How does the environment impact goal achievement? Does the goal require the right amount of effort? Relevant: Is the goal in alignment with the overall mission or strategy? Time-bound: What is the deadline? Is the deadline realistic? 9/4/2019
Dean of Engagement Evaluation Evidence Collection Evidence of your work can be collected by you and your manager and added in the TDES portal. This creates a record of your work you both can refer to for the Mid-year and the Summative. 9/4/2019
You should self assess as part of your Mid-year reflection. Dean of Engagement Evaluation Mid-year Review The Mid-year Review is a time to reflect on your work thus far in the school year. You should self assess as part of your Mid-year reflection. Your supervisor will also rate your work on the DOE rubric for your mid-year. You are not required to agree with your Mid-year ratings, but you should understand why you received the ratings you did. 9/4/2019
Dean of Engagement Evaluation Mid-year Review You and your manager should review your Growth Plan at the Mid-year to see if you are making progress. If you need support to perform your work, that should also be considered in your Mid-year review. 9/4/2019
The Mid-year should be complete by February 22. Dean of Engagement Evaluation Mid-year Review The Mid-year should be complete by February 22. This date is later than that for the principals and other administrators because of the delay in starting the DOE process in the TDES portal. 9/4/2019
Dean of Engagement Evaluation Evidence Collection Evidence of your work can continue to be collected by you and your manager and added in the TDES portal. You and your manager will review this evidence and your Mid-year ratings in preparation for your Summative rating. 9/4/2019
You should self-assess on the DOE rubric for your Summative review. Dean of Engagement Evaluation Summative Review You and your manager should review your Growth Plan, all the evidence you have collected, and your Mid-year ratings to determine your Summative ratings. You should self-assess on the DOE rubric for your Summative review. Your manager will also rate you on the DOE rubric and provide an overall rating. 9/4/2019
You should print a copy of your Summative rating for your records. Dean of Engagement Evaluation Summative Review You are not required to agree with your Summative rating, but you should understand why your received that rating from your manager. You should print a copy of your Summative rating for your records. 9/4/2019
Your Summative review should be complete no later than May 3. Dean of Engagement Evaluation Summative Review Your Summative review should be complete no later than May 3. After May 3 neither you nor your manger will be able to access the TDES portal. Your information will be stored, but will be temporarily inaccessible while we prepare for the next school year. 9/4/2019
The handouts to support OPES also apply to the DOE process. Dean of Engagement Evaluation Support Materials to support you and your manager in your evaluation are on the Performance Management web site under OPES: Dean of Engagement. The handouts to support OPES also apply to the DOE process. Your rubric is different, but the steps in the TDES portal are the same. 9/4/2019
If you have further questions please email the Talent Department Dean of Engagement Evaluation Support If you have further questions please email the Talent Department 9/4/2019
Dean of Engagement Evaluation Thank you Thank you for your engagement with your evaluation and for the work you do on behalf of Cleveland’s students and families. 9/4/2019