Treasure maps and a compass


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Presentation transcript:

Treasure maps and a compass Year 1 Term 5 ENGLISH As Writers, we will be using ‘Pirates next door by Jonny Duddle and ‘Beegu ’ by Alexis Deacon to inspire us. We will create character and setting descriptions and write our own stories set on a pirate ship. We will understand the feelings and actions of an alien visitor to our planet. We will look at non-fiction texts and write information about real pirates. We will study maps and write instructions for searching for pirate treasure. MATHEMATICS As Mathematicians, we will practise counting in 2s, 5s and 10s. We will use our knowledge of multiplication and vision to solve numeracy problems. In our pirate work we will study maps and investigate positional language to help us to move around obstacles on the map. To complement our science work on animals we will create a graph to show whether our pets are carnivores, herbivores or omnivores. READING As Readers, we will be continuing to develop our knowledge of phonics, applying it to help us decode an increasing number of unknown words. We will discuss what is happening in the books we read and will make simple inferences. SCIENCE As Scientists, we will be learning about the classification of animals groups and how animals can be grouped by what they eat. We will also identify a number of common garden and wild plants, identifying the parts of a plant and tree. DT As Designers, we will be designing and decorating our very own treasure maps. We will be using tools to cut, slice and grate a range of fruit to create a fruit salad and then writing instructions and creating recipe cards. P.E (Wednesday) As team players, we will be will be playing team games and developing our co-ordination skills and control of balls. We will also be learning about a healthy lifestyle and recognise how to stay healthy. HISTORY As Historians, we will research and learn about explorers and their journeys from history and how they use map and compasses to travel around the world. We will hear the story of Grace Darling, and how she saved sailors at sea. GEOGRAPHY As Geographers, we will be looking at maps of the British Isles, identifying and labelling the countries and their capitals. We will also name the oceans. We will identify north, south, east and west and identify these points in our school environment. ART As Artists, we will be discussing the work of John Constable and using his work as inspiration for our own pieces, studying his paintings of the english countryside. WIDER CURRICULUM PE every Wednesday Class trip to Toy Museum at Blaise Castle on Thursday 2nd Parent event 16th June