Evaluations and Reviews Ch. 6
Communicating Meaningful Judgements How many of you read reviews for products you have no intention of buying or consuming, or of places you have no intention of visiting? Why do we do this? What is it that we enjoy about it? Compelling evaluations and reviews serve more than a practical purpose They enlighten readers about issues that touch on every facet of life People often read reviews of things they cannot afford or don’t’ intend to buy just for knowledge of pleasure This serves our aspirations to better understand and function in the complex world that we inhabit
The proposal Plan this essay, as always, with communication goals in mind Focus on an issue or problem that the subject raises and a central view or argument that your evaluation will support Your proposal should contain the following: 1. the subject 2. The main issue or problem 3. The central view, argument, thesis, or solution 4. reason for choosing the subject 5. reader relevance Example on pg. 214
Practice 1. the most common type of evaluation are consumer reviews of products and services Choose a product that you recently purchased and write a one-two paragraph consumer review Describe your experience with the product or service Did it exceed or fall short of your expectations? 2. As you consider subjects to write about for this project, think about our campus here at MCC. What features or facilities do you like or dislike? Examples on pg. 220 Choose a feature of the campus that you have positive or negative feelings about and write a one-two paragraph review that supports your judgement. When you finish, exchange with a classmate.