Geological Society, London, Memoirs Chapter 25 Tectonic setting, structure and petroleum geology of the Siberian Arctic offshore sedimentary basins by Sergey S. Drachev Geological Society, London, Memoirs Volume 35(1):819-819 August 25, 2011 © The Geological Society of London 2011
Structure of the Laptev Rift System (after Drachev et al Structure of the Laptev Rift System (after Drachev et al. 2010): (a) simplified depth-to-basement map based on published 2D seismic and ERS-2 gravity data (see text for the data sources); (b) cross-section based on regional seismic lines published by Roeser et al. Structure of the Laptev Rift System (after Drachev et al. 2010): (a) simplified depth-to-basement map based on published 2D seismic and ERS-2 gravity data (see text for the data sources); (b) cross-section based on regional seismic lines published by Roeser et al. (1995), Franke et al. (2000, 2001), and by Franke & Hinz (2009), and on onshore geological data. Bold numbers in (a) denote following elements of the rift system: 1, SW Laptev Rift Basin; 2, Ust' Lena Rift; 3, East Laptev Horst; 4, Stolbovoi Horst; 5, Shiroston Horst; 6, Svyatoi Nos Graben; 7, Bel'kov Rift; 8, Bel'kov Horst; 9, Anisin Rift; 10, Kotel'nyi High; 11, New Siberian Rift; 12, De Long High. SASZ (?) in (b) indicates possible offshore projection of the South Anyui ophiolitic suture zone. The scale bar in (a) is more accurate when applied closer to 75°N. Sergey S. Drachev Geological Society, London, Memoirs 2011;35:819 © The Geological Society of London 2011