RELS110:12 2011-02-01 Agenda Attendance Jesus & the Gospels Attendance :15 In the Religious Calendar :19 Religion in the News :23 Announcements / Administrativa :25 Student Presentation or discussion of the scripture reading :35 Explaining a concept– for the exam’s paragraph answer section. :50 Video with focus questions and discussion :04 Homework for Next Time
Henri Nouwen – an icon of spiritual unity Annual Catholic Studies Lecture - 2010-11 Dr Michael W. Higgins Thursday, February 3, 2011 - 7.30 pm Schwartz School Business building, Room 156 Henri Nouwen has been described as one of the leading spiritual thinkers of the late 20th century. In his presentation, Dr Higgins will introduce Nouwen’s work and reflect on what Higgins calls Nouwen’s contribution “to an emerging global spirituality and mysticism of the everyday."
The Art of Being Human Shambhala Training Level 1 Meditation workshop offered by Antigonish Shambhala Meditation Group Friday, February 4: 7:00 pm to 9:00 pm Saturday, February 5: 8:30am to 5:30 pm (including lunch break) Location Wellspring Centre, above Morrison Hall, StFX University Directed by Shastri Alice Haspray By donation! Please pre-register : Michel or Zané deNoncourt , Coordinators For general information about Shambhala: Through practicing meditation, we glimpse unconditional goodness as the ground of existence. Opening to ourselves with gentleness & appreciation, we begin to see our potential as genuine & compassionate human beings. This workshop focuses on the basic technique of mindfulness meditation, and offers students of any tradition effective tools for meditation. By settling our minds, we begin to see the magic of the world beyond our habitual filters and experience the quality of basic goodness. Open to everyone.
Christianity Jesus and the Gospels
For next time For Thursday (Early Expansion and Acts) For Monday: Read Acts 1; 2; 6; 7; 9; 13-16; 21:15-25:12; 27; 28 For Monday: Read first part of “Christianity” in Living Religions (pages 295-521) Write online “Quiz 1 on Christianity” on this reading For Tuesday (Early Persecution; Constantine; Fall of Rome) No extra reading