Space Race – Arms Race!
Space Race - who can get into space 1st and go the farthest
Sputnik launched in 1957 – got 1st satellite into orbit, US failed to launch their satellite until 1958
the US creates NASA in 1958 to try and get ahead of the USSR - National Defense Education Act
Animals in Space
In 1961, the Soviets launch the 1st cosmonaut into space – Yuri Gagarin and the US shortly followed with Alan Sheppard Soviets circled in Earth first, but then US sent more people into orbit than USSR July 1969, “The Eagle has landed”, the US have the first astronauts, Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin land on the moon America claims they win the Space Race, even though we don’t even know how big the universe is today.
Arms Race - competition to see who can create the more of the biggest and best
1. Cheaper than having a large army 2. They were a deterrent. WHY BUILD NUCLEAR WEAPONS? 1. Cheaper than having a large army 2. They were a deterrent. 3. The idea was to have so many missiles that they could not all be destroyed. If one side attacked then it knew that the other could retaliate. MAD
Castle Bravo H-Bomb shot at Bikini Atoll. Largest H-Bomb ever exploded.
Why do these 5 countries have nuclear capability, but no one else does Why do these 5 countries have nuclear capability, but no one else does? Well is not suppose to have it…
Strategic Arms Limitations Treaties In the 1970s a period known as détente allowed both states to reduce their spending on weapons systems. SALT I & II Treaties limited the size of these countries nuclear arsenals. Strategic Arms Limitations Treaties
Strategic Defense Initiative 1983, Reagan created the SDI nicknamed "Star Wars," used lasers and other advanced technology to destroy attacking missiles far above the Earth's surface. Soviets accuse the U.S of violating the 1972 Antiballistic Missile Treaty. Soviets forced to spend heavily to match the program causing near economic collapse. IT NEVER EXISTED – FOOLED U!!!
Will we use nuclear weapons in the future? Supposedly the Arms Race and Space Race ended when the Berlin Wall collapses and the USSR breaks apart….but??? No more competition between the US and USSR They can now work together to make improvements, such as the ISS (International Space Station) Use nuclear capability for power now Will we use nuclear weapons in the future?
3 Mile Island PA Chernobyl