My Name assignment
Remember, effective writing is VIVID and SPECIFIC. What does my word choice reveal about Raul? What does it reveal about my own feelings about Raul? Now, pick someone you know well or even a celebrity. Think about that person for the following new categories… Animal Place Smell Remember, effective writing is VIVID and SPECIFIC.
Style (use of Cisneros’ elements) Your assignment is to plan out and type up a ½ to 1 page response to this assignment using your thoughts on your own name. In the style of Cisneros’ speaker, write a first person account that reveals not only your thoughts on your name but, if you can, something about yourself. Rubric: Creativity/Content Paragraphing Spelling/grammar Style (use of Cisneros’ elements) Ideas: Be sure to include some of the techniques she uses such as an informal, conversational style, topic jumping, similes and metaphors, and personal anecdotes. Think about what your name means to you, your parents, and look up the traditional meaning of the name.