Process for Updates to the DSC Service Description Table For Approval Change Management Committee on Wednesday 7th August 2019
Introduction The DSC Service Description Table contains a list of services the CDSP provides to Shipper Users, DNOs, IGTs and NGT Code (Mods) and non-code (Change Proposals) changes often require updates to the DSC Service Description Table in the form of new service lines, amended service lines or deleted service lines The CDSP is responsible for ensuring the DSC Service Description Table reflects the services we provide to our DSC customers We’re reviewing the existing process for how the table is updated and approved at DSC committees; this paper contains a proposal with the intention of streamlining the process by removing the requirement to seek approval at Change Management Committee
Current and Proposed Amended Process Current Approval Process: Xoserve Updates the Service Description Table Xoserve raises a Change Proposal for the updated table ChMC approve the Change Proposal to proceed Xoserve facilitate an email consultation with the COMC representatives CoMC Approval Hypothetical Timeline 30/07/19 30/07/19 07/08/19 08/08/19 - 17/09/19 18/09/19 Proposed Approval Process: Xoserve Updates the Service Description Table Xoserve raises a Change Proposal for the updated table Xoserve facilitate an email consultation with the COMC representatives CoMC Approval *The Service Description Table can also be shared with ChMC for information purposes Hypothetical Timeline 06/08/19 06/08/19 14/08/19 06/08/19 – 13/08/19
Approval Decision Xoserve believes this proposition would result in the DSC Service Description Table being updated more frequently, and thus accurately reflecting the services the CDSP provides Are ChMC in support of the proposition to remove the requirement to ask ChMC to approve a Change Proposal which seeks to update the DSC Service Description table? Subject to ChMC approval, we will also present this proposal to CoMC for approval as well