HEALTH CARE MARKETING Presented by \ DR: Shaymaa Abd Elmohsen Ali
Outline: Introduction to marketing Service marketing Marketing triange Internal marketing Internal marketing mix
introduction Today health organizations act in a MOVABLE, VAGUE AND INCONSTANT ENVIRONMENT which persuaded it to improve their competitive excellence.Thus, health organization tries to keep and magnetize new patient by increasing the quality of health services presented by health care teams so, the intelligent management is to treat the health care giver as internal customer of the health organization (Abzari, 2011).
Dynamic environment
There is a two big arms in health care marketing EMPOLYEE PATIENT
Service marketing: Definition: Activity or benefit that one party can offer to another that is essentially intangible and does not result in the ownership of anything. Its production may or may not be tied to a physical product.
Meaning of marketing:
How can I enter the market?
Be different
How it begin? Internal marketing idea extended from tangible product to intangible service which promoting a product to customers, improve the service quality through conventional methods and improve customer satisfaction by means of direct touch interaction (Hung & Lin, 2008).
History Internal marketing is most important component in the marketing services and first proposed in the mid-1970 to achieve constant service quality as well as it is the relationship between health organization and health care worker (chien, 2013).
Development of customer orientation: increasing awareness of its health care worker and take off task barriers that is present in the way of health organizational efficiency (Abzari, 2011). In addition, it is an unavoidable strong element that could be adopted to improve health care worker behaviors and used to polish their interactions with the patient (Yusuf, 2014).
Definition of internal marketing Internal Marketing is ATTRACTING, DEVELOPING, MOTIVATING AND RETAINING QUALIFIED HEALTH CARE WORKER through job- products that satisfy their needs (Mostafavi, 2013). It is a unifying concept for more effectively managing a variety of inter-functional, and frequently well-established activities, as part of an overall framework aiming at a common objective (Aghababapoor, 2013).
Care for first line provider I’m a one of your customer
Can concept sell?
Marketing process: Internal marketing encompasses internal market research and segmentation, internal product policy, internal pricing, internal sales and distribution, also internal communication and promotion (Sincic & poloski, 2007). Internal marketing is the process of selling the concept of customer service to health care worker so that internalize appropriate set of values (Tasi, & Wang, 2011).
The aim of internal marketing: Internal marketing aimed to get motivated and customer oriented health care worker (Sanchez-Hernandez & Grayson, 2011), create an appropriate environment that will support health care worker’ interest in patient satisfaction and regularly focuses on internal communication between leaders and health care worker (Ballantyne, 2004). It also focuses on maintaining health care worker who highly satisfied and motivated to help in achieving the desired level of performance, as their health organization expects (Zaman, et al., 2012).
Importance of internal marketing: Figure 1: Internal marketing objective Mahdi, (2012): The Link Between Internal Marketing and Human Resource Mangment, Journal of Economics and Management,1(2)1-9.
Benefits: useful tool to overcome internal resistance during a major change process in an health organization it encourage health care worker to align efficiently during a major change process toward achieving a particular health organizational goal (Anosiky& Ahmed, 2006).
Element of internal marketing: Internal communication Internal communication consists of all formal and informal communication acts to take place on all levels of the health organization (Rogala & Kaniewska-Sęba, 2013 ).
Leadership Leadership styles influence IM activities, especially (transactional- transformational leadership) transactional leadership depend on economic exchange with followers where transformational encourage expressing the ideas and creativity (Amiria, 2013).
Benchmarking comparisons between itself and the market state deeper understanding of health labor market match with labor market demand make health organization offerings to labor market is attractive (Lubbe, 2013).
Promotion Promotion represents any way of informing the marketplace that the health organization has developed a response to meet its needs and the exchange should be completed.
Examples The use of advertising media, face to face presentation, new social media (De Bruin, 2014).
ANOTHER ELEMENTS OF INTERNAL MARKETING: Employee motivation and satisfaction, customer orientation and satisfaction, Inter-function coordination and integration, Marketing-like approach and Implementation of specific corporate and functional strategies (Ahmed & Rafiq, 2004).
Internal marketing type
Internal Marketing mix Marketing mix means translating the marketing planning into practice (Goi, C., 2009). defined as asset of tools the health organization uses to achieve marketing goals. ordinary marketing mix is Product, Price, Place and Promotion. but when diverting our attention to hospital sector, it need three extra elements that is People, Physical Evidence & Process to obtain the desired result.
1) Service / Health Service/ Product: defined as an action or activity characterized by the intangible nature that is occur in the interaction between patient and health service employee (health care worker, doctors, other health worker) and provide a solution to patient problems, there are a tangible products that may accompanied the medical heath service in order to complete it (e.g. Laboratory investigation, MRI, C.T. Scanning) (Sirnivasa Roa & Sreenivas, 2013).
6) Physical Evidence: it is the environment that facilitates the communication of the health service. Now patients are trying to inspect the health service with a tangible proof to assure the quality of it (Khalaf, 2013). As, appearance and design of the hospital, amenities, signs, symbol, new and advanced equipment and tidy appearance of health members finally, quality and safety of health environment (Ahmed et al., 2013).
Satisfy your customer:
The answer is: Patients Family members Referral Doctors SuppliersEmployees Who is the key customer in the hospital?
The answer is: “ “ all is the customer of all” “Finally we all marketer”