March 28th, 2013.


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Presentation transcript:

March 28th, 2013

“The Servant Leader” John 13:1-17, 31-35

“I never loved another person the way I loved myself.” “No, no, we want you to take a picture of us.”

The Last Supper

Welcome to Maundy Thursday “Maundy” comes from the Latin word “maundatum” meaning command. Jesus gives us a NEW command, “Love one another.” As I have loved you. By this everyone will know that you are my disciple.

“Saying it” didn’t get the job done! “Saying it” is one thing. But “demonstrating it” is another.

After Jesus Finished “You call me ‘Teacher’ and ‘Lord,’ and rightly so, for that is what I am. Now that I, your Lord and Teacher, have washed your feet, you also should wash one another’s feet. I have set you an example that you should do as I have done for you.”

Background on Foot Washing Rite of Hospitality; Usually performed by a servant; Because it was a rather “unpleasant task.”

Recline for Dinner People in Jesus’ day did not sit around a table, like we do. They reclined on pillows or cushions on the floor in a circle around the food. So dinning with dirty feet would not have been very appetizing.

Would the Disciples Offer to do it? Just the day before, the disciples had argued about who was the greatest among them? Do you think any of them would offer to wash feet? “They were ready to fight for a throne, but not for a towel.” Jesus did it with this astounding object lesson. No, way!

“Jesus came to show us the heart of God “Jesus came to show us the heart of God. His entire message and ministry on earth was to show selfish, power-hungry people like you and me what love looks like.” “Jesus loves us as he loved Judas. If you miss that, you have missed eternal life.”

A young Albanian girl by the name of Agnes, who at 18 years old decided she was called to be a nun.

Ruth Harms Calkins - “I Wonder” You know, Lord, How I serve You; with great emotional fervor in the limelight. You know how eagerly I speak for You at a Women’s Club. You know my genuine enthusiasm at a Bible study.

Ruth Harms Calkins - “I Wonder” But how would I react, I wonder, if You pointed to a basin of water and asked me to wash the calloused feet of a bent and wrinkled old woman day after day, month after month, in a room where nobody saw and nobody knew?

Does that challenge you? That’s how people will know, you are my disciples! Love One Another! The Lord’s Supper

We join Jesus at His Supper