Authors, FIRST NAME INITIAL, SURNAME, Add your logos here POSTER TITLE Authors, FIRST NAME INITIAL, SURNAME, presenting author(s) underlined, Affiliations1 numbered in superscript) e.g. B. SMITH 1, N. HARRISON 2 and P. MATTHEWS2 1University of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia, 2Royal Brisbane Hospital, Brisbane, Australia INTRODUCTION Materials and methods results You may adjust the size of the font, the sections distribution and the poster color as you prefer. The font size of the text should not be smaller than 28 points (22 points for visual title) Keep the text brief. Present numerical data in the form of graphs, rather then tables (graphs make trends in the data much more evident). If data must be presented in table-form, KEEP THE STRUCTURE OF THE TABLE SIMPLE. For simple graphs use MS Excel, or create the graph directly in PowerPoint. Visuals should be simple and bold. Leave out or remove any unnecessary details. The first row contains the table description. Description of Results Images such as photographs, graphs, diagrams, logos, etc, can be added to the poster. Avoid long numerical tables as they will be difficult to read. Please ensure all image files are JPEG/PNG, other formats may cause images to get corrupted after saving. Make sure that the text and the visuals are integrated. Figures should be numbered consecutively according to the order in which the are first mentioned in the text. Graphs created in a scientific graphing program (e.g. Sigma Plot, Prism, SPSS, Statistics) should be saved as JPEG or TIFF. Each visual should have a brief title, for example: aim ePoster must contain the following parts: logo ANS 2019, Title, Name of the Author(s), Affiliation(s), Introduction, Materials and Methods, Results, Conclusion. It may also contain: Your logos, Acknowledgement, References and Contact information Figure 1. ISES Experiment references conclusions ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Conclusions can be summarized preferably using bullet-points. CONTACT INFORMATION
Authors, FIRST NAME INITIAL, SURNAME, Add your logos here POSTER TITLE Authors, FIRST NAME INITIAL, SURNAME, presenting author(s) underlined, Affiliations1 numbered in superscript) e.g. B. SMITH 1, N. HARRISON 2 and P. MATTHEWS2 1University of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia, 2Royal Brisbane Hospital, Brisbane, Australia INTRODUCTION Materials and methods results You may adjust the size of the font, the sections distribution and the poster color as you prefer. The font size of the text should not be smaller than 28 points (22 points for visual title) Keep the text brief. Present numerical data in the form of graphs, rather then tables (graphs make trends in the data much more evident). If data must be presented in table-form, KEEP THE STRUCTURE OF THE TABLE SIMPLE. For simple graphs use MS Excel, or create the graph directly in PowerPoint. Visuals should be simple and bold. Leave out or remove any unnecessary details. The first row contains the table description. Description of Results Images such as photographs, graphs, diagrams, logos, etc, can be added to the poster. Avoid long numerical tables as they will be difficult to read. Please ensure all image files are JPEG/PNG, other formats may cause images to get corrupted after saving. Make sure that the text and the visuals are integrated. Figures should be numbered consecutively according to the order in which the are first mentioned in the text. Graphs created in a scientific graphing program (e.g. Sigma Plot, Prism, SPSS, Statistics) should be saved as JPEG or TIFF. Each visual should have a brief title, for example: aim ePoster must contain the following parts: logo ANS 2019, Title, Name of the Author(s), Affiliation(s), Introduction, Materials and Methods, Results, Conclusion. It may also contain: Your logos, Acknowledgement, References and Contact information Figure 1. ISES Experiment references conclusions ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Conclusions can be summarized preferably using bullet-points. CONTACT INFORMATION
Authors, FIRST NAME INITIAL, SURNAME, Add your logos here POSTER TITLE Authors, FIRST NAME INITIAL, SURNAME, presenting author(s) underlined, Affiliations1 numbered in superscript) e.g. B. SMITH 1, N. HARRISON 2 and P. MATTHEWS2 1University of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia, 2Royal Brisbane Hospital, Brisbane, Australia INTRODUCTION You may edit the size of the font, the sections distribution and the color scheme if wanted. The body text / font size should be no smaller than 28points (22 points for visual title) Materials and methods Keep the text brief. Present numerical data in the form of graphs, rather then tables (graphs make trends in the data much more evident). If data must be presented in table-form, KEEP IT SIMPLE. For simple graphs use MS Excel, or create the graph directly in PowerPoint. Visuals should be simple and bold. Leave out or remove any unnecessary details. The first row is the legend of the table Aim and experimental setup conclusions results Description of Results Present numerical data in the form of graphs, rather then tables (graphs make trends in the data much more evident). If data must be presented in table-form, KEEP IT SIMPLE. For simple graphs use MS Excel, or create the graph directly in PowerPoint. Visuals should be simple and bold. Leave out or remove any unnecessary details. Images such as photographs, graphs, diagrams, logos, etc, can be added to the poster. Avoid long numerical tables as they will be difficult to read. Please ensure all image files are JPEG/PNG, other formats may cause images to get corrupted after saving. Make sure that the text and the visuals are integrated. Figures should be numbered consecutively according to the order in which the are first mentioned in the text. Graphs created in a scientific graphing program (e.g.. Sigma Plot, Prism, SPSS, Statistics) should be saved as JPEG or TIFF. Each visual should have a brief title, for example: Conclusions can be summarized preferably using bullet-points. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Figure 1. ISES Experiment
Authors, FIRST NAME INITIAL, SURNAME, Add your logos here POSTER TITLE Authors, FIRST NAME INITIAL, SURNAME, presenting author(s) underlined, Affiliations1 numbered in superscript) e.g. B. SMITH 1, N. HARRISON 2 and P. MATTHEWS2 1University of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia, 2Royal Brisbane Hospital, Brisbane, Australia INTRODUCTION You may edit the size of the font, the sections distribution and the color scheme if wanted. The body text / font size should be no smaller than 28points (22 points for visual title) Materials and methods Keep the text brief. Present numerical data in the form of graphs, rather then tables (graphs make trends in the data much more evident). If data must be presented in table-form, KEEP IT SIMPLE. For simple graphs use MS Excel, or create the graph directly in PowerPoint. Visuals should be simple and bold. Leave out or remove any unnecessary details. The first row is the legend of the table Aim and experimental setup conclusions results Description of Results Present numerical data in the form of graphs, rather then tables (graphs make trends in the data much more evident). If data must be presented in table-form, KEEP IT SIMPLE. For simple graphs use MS Excel, or create the graph directly in PowerPoint. Visuals should be simple and bold. Leave out or remove any unnecessary details. Images such as photographs, graphs, diagrams, logos, etc, can be added to the poster. Avoid long numerical tables as they will be difficult to read. Please ensure all image files are JPEG/PNG, other formats may cause images to get corrupted after saving. Make sure that the text and the visuals are integrated. Figures should be numbered consecutively according to the order in which the are first mentioned in the text. Graphs created in a scientific graphing program (e.g.. Sigma Plot, Prism, SPSS, Statistics) should be saved as JPEG or TIFF. Each visual should have a brief title, for example: Conclusions can be summarized preferably using bullet-points. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Figure 1. ISES Experiment