“Walking in the Light……” 1 John 1:5-7


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Presentation transcript:

“Walking in the Light……” 1 John 1:5-7 GOD Darkness

Walking in “THE LIGHT” What is God’s desire for us? -Fellowship with the Father and His Son, Jesus Christ (1 John 1:1-4) How Do We Accomplish This “Fellowship”? -By walking in the THE LIGHT (1 John 1:5-7) How Do We “Walk” in THE LIGHT? -Obeying & walking as Christ walked (1 John 2:3-6) -By loving God as He loved us (1 John 4:7-11, 16-17, 19) Who Else Do We Have To Love? -Brother (1 John 4:20-21; 1 John 2:9-11) -Neighbor (Mark 12:31; Rom 13:9-10; Matt 19:19, Gal 5:14-15, James 2:8, Luke 10:27-29) -Enemies (Matt 5:43-47; Luke 6:27-36)

How Do We Love & Walk as Christ Walked? Romans 12:3-5, 9-21 -Do not think of ourselves more highly than we ought -Sincere -Hate what is evil -Cling to what is good -Devoted to one another -Honor on another above ourselves -Bless those who persecute you -Rejoice with those who rejoice -Mourn with those who mourn -Live in harmony with one another -Do not be proud -Do not be conceited -Do not repay evil for evil -Do what is right -Live at peace with everyone -Do not take revenge -Overcome evil with good

How Do We Love & Walk as Christ Walked? (cont’d) Ephesians 4:25, 29-32; 5:1-2 -Speak truthfully -No unwholesome talk, but build up one another -Get rid of all bitterness, rage, anger, brawling, slander -Be kind, compassionate, forgiving -Imitators of God, living a life of love James 1:19-21 -Quick to listen -Slow to speak -Slow to become angry -Humbly accept the word planted in you Philippians 2:1-9 -Be like minded, having the same love -Being in one spirit and purpose -do nothing out of selfish ambition -In humility consider others better than yourselves -Look not to your own interest, but to others

Here’s the Challenge (sin enters our lives) -We ALL stumble (James 3:2) -We ALL sin (I John 1:8-10) -Desires battle within us (James 4:1-3) -Praise and curse from the same mouth (James 3:8-12) -Try to remove the “speck” in someone else’s eye while being blind to the “plank” in our own eye (Matt 7:3-5) How Can/Should We Deal With This Breakdown in Love? -We MUST “fix” it (Gal 5:14-15) -Personally (Matt 18:15) -Quickly (Matt 5:23-25; Eph 4:26) -Forgive, Comfort, and Reaffirm our love for each other (2 Cor 2:7-8) -Bear one another’s burdens (Gal 6:1-2)

Conclusion: -We love because God first loved us (1 John 4:10-11,19) -For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten son (John 3:16) -We must love each other as Christ loved the church (1 John 3:16-20) -Gave himself for it (Eph 5:25) -If we don’t, we can not love God (1 John 4:20-21)