For Schools - By Schools A Programme of Professional Development and Support
Ruth Murton Worked in and around ‘education’ for over 30 years Chair at large secondary Academy Member of a primary phase MAT National Leader of Governance Department for Education - Special Adviser A member of the SSLP working group Welcome & Introduce myself Sign register- coming round Health and safety arrangements Refreshments are available – please help yourselves On your table – each have a pack of slides and an evaluation sheet Happy to take questions, please stop me as we go through - not sure I will be able to answer them all but will try or get back to you after the session We have 2hrs approximately I will approach this as though you all have ‘some knowledge’ so I hope I pitch the pace ok for you 2
For Schools - By Schools Who is it for? For ALL teachers, leaders and governors in Surrey schools What is it for? To improve outcomes, strengthen leadership and share outstanding practice Quality Support and development provided by schools with expertise and successful track record What will schools receive? Professional and leadership development, tailored support programme What does SSLP do? Co-ordinates, facilitates and develops the ‘universal offer’ Access to a professional learning community
For Schools - By Schools The offer is designed to: Improve outcomes for young people and children. Address the barriers facing vulnerable groups of learners. Deliver high quality professional and leadership development. Draw on evidence-based improvement strategies. Provide tailored support packages for individual schools or groups of schools. Surrey Schools, Phase Councils and STSN.
The Governance Offer How can we develop ‘Governance’ so it is a meaningful strand of the Development Offer? What should the governance offer comprise?
For Schools - By Schools Coming together is a beginning, Keeping together is progress, Working together is success Edward Everett Hale