These Red Letters: Looking at the Sermon on the Mount Part 5: The Supremacy of the Sermon on the Mount
The Sermon on the Mount is one of the most definitive messages instruction Jesus ever gave, and what is very significant is that it is entirely without parable! Jesus wanted these words understood and understood without mistake or misconception.
Jesus answers the most rudimentary question the basic humanity within and around us wants to know: God loves what? In fact, He begins His message divulging that ever important and often mistaken information.
If we embrace God’s design for us, our lives are a series and combination of defining relationships. Jesus presents understanding and instruction for the most basic of these relationships and declares that there is very rarely cause where a follower of His would be truly representing Him while also being spiteful, bitter, hateful, vengeful, hurtful, or malicious towards someone else.
Jesus answers the second basic question we often bring out of our common human experiences and wonderings: How should we talk to God?
Jesus says that these words He’s just spoken are meant as foundational instruction for any life that wants to endure and be lived well. His Kingdom starts in His life and His life looked like this message lived out perfectly.