Global Interactions Review #5 Explain the Meaning of this Title: As diverse cultures interact (Trade, War, Migration) New ideas spread and are adopted
Nomadic group who established the largest Empire in history Causes What is it? Effects From steppes (dry, grasslands) nomadic herders who easily adapted to environment Strategic Military tactics Use of the stirrup Rise of Mongols Provided stability extensive trade on Silk Roadcultural diffusion and progress spread of Black Death Isolated Russia during Renaissance Marco Polo’s travels wrote about Mongol Empire Nomadic group who established the largest Empire in history
Causes What is it? Effects Muslim Crusaders sacked Jerusalem Willing to fight for holy land (of Muslims, Christians and Jews) Serfs willing to leave fiefs for promise of land and heaven ** Trade increases between Europe and Asia** Cultural diffusion! Decline of Middle Ages Start of Commercial Revolution Renaissance Crusades Series of holy wars fought between Muslims and Christians at end of Middle Ages (1000-1200s
Causes What is it? Effects Increase of trade (Mongols and Silk Road, the Commercial Revolution) Empire expansion by Mongols (war) 25 million dead Shortage of workers Production declined/ Prices rose Collapse of Feudalism Growth of cities Black Death AKA-Bubonic Plague. A disease spread by fleas on rats who snuck on trade ships
The Commercial Revolution Causes What is it? Effects TRADE INCREASED! Growth of middle class Rise of capitalism Creation of banks and guilds End of feudalism Beginning of Renaissance The Commercial Revolution A major turning point in Europe that ended the Middle Ages and began a new era of trade and prosperity Crusades Trade between East and West Growth of towns and the middle class of merchants
Causes Effects Age of Exploration What is it? Mercantilism: Encomienda System: Columbian Exchange: Triangular Trade/Middle Passage: Age of Exploration Global trade centers around Atlantic (not Med. Sea) Beginning of European dominance in world Americas imperialized Desire to find cheaper trade routes not under Ottoman control Invention of gun powder Invention of printing press better navigation technology (astrolabe, caravel) Political Stability Spain and Portugal lead exploration A period beginning in the 1400s of European exploration of the world “Discovery” of the Americas Established by Spain in Latin America to create a favorable Balance of Trade System of forced labor upon natives and mixed race New exchange of products, goods and disease between Americas and Europe African Slaves Americas goods/material to Europe