GSEEH Finance Event June 2019
Who we are PURE LEAPFROG Charity # 1112249 Access to tools, templates and knowledge for communities wishing to invest in renewable energy and energy efficiency LEAPFROG FINANCE Social and environmental impact investment through bridge finance for community & local energy construction, acquisition installation Integrated approach to design of new energy models. Joint Venture Partners: Pure Leapfrog Lux Nova Partners ITP Energised
Bridge Finance Offer 100% bridge finance for construction, acquisition, installation De-risks projects for council investment Potential to bring in community investment too Social impact design, planning, reporting Support for understanding technology, process, structuring Array of technologies Experienced team
Council Projects Solar Heat 2016 Plymouth Energy Community 4.5MW project Bridge Fund Construction Council + Community refinance 2019 Warrington York 35MW + battery Hull 27 MW Bridge Fund EPC Construction Council purchase on completion Heat Community scale 1 small scale pilot in Scotland 2nd larger pilot with 2 councils – 1 London; 1 Scotland expected 3Q 2019