Face Recognition Using Artificial Neural Network Group-based Adaptive Tolerance Trees By Ming Zhang , John Fulcher
Revies:Group Theory
Review:NN Group Theory
Translation-invariant face recognition system
NN group-based tree node
NN group-based tree node
The Features of OR NN group
Advantage No single neural network is capable of approximating such a function comprising three peaks and nonsmooth , noncontinuous points
The Features of AND NN group
Advantage No single neural network is capable of approximating such a function comprising sole-peak and nonsmooth , and /or noncontinuous points
Both OR and AND NN groups were used as the nodes for GAT tree, resulting in more accurate and efficient face recognition .
NN group-base adaptive tolerance tree.
GAT tree model
OPT Translation operator that can translate facial image MI(I,j) into a center face, left face, right face and so on --- shifts and rotates the facial image in two dimensions.(but only during training )
OPA Adaptive node operator set that adds adaptive connection and grows nodes in the GAT tree if the parent node output is within tolerance.
OPN Node operator set, which is a complex pattern classifier.
OPP Path operator set which sets the parent node output to the input of the child node.
OPL Label leaf operator set which indicates the labeled person has been recognized.
Face perspective classification using GAT tree
Face perspective classification results
Face perspective classification results
Face perspective classification results
Front glasses and beard face classification using GAT tree.
Front beard face and Front glasses face classification
Front beard face and Front glasses face classification
GAT tree for front face recognition