Spring 2013 ADN Students
Located in Locke 213 Office Hours are Monday – Friday 8:00 am – 5:00 pm Closed 12:00 pm – 1:00 pm CENTER OVERVIEW STAFF: Rosalva Garduno - Project Coordinator Locke 212 (Office), Phone: Susan Rodriguez – Resource Specialist Locke 213A (Office), Phone: Pam Smith – Senior Office Assistant Locke 213 (NSC), Phone: Claudia Navarro -Office Assistant Locke 213 (NSC), Phone:
Elanor Merz Emergency Loans & other financial resources Tutoring Lending Library Online Resources KEY SERVICES
Borrow amount is up to $ Interest Free Loan must be paid back before the end of the semester in which you received the loan. (Example: Borrowed in February 2013, must repay by May The end of the Spring 2013 Semester) If you qualify for financial aid, payment will be deducted from your Financial Aid Disbursement automatically. Can borrow again if first loan is repaid on time. ELEANOR MERZ EMERGENCY LOAN What is the Eleanor Merz Emergency Loan?
Incoming students may apply for the loan. However, in order to qualify the student must: Pass the drug test Cleared the background check Registered for classes ELEANOR MERZ EMERGENCY LOAN Application Guidelines - Application Process - Pick-up form in Locke 213 (NSC) and turn in to office staff. Loan application will be forwarded to the Financial Aid Office for processing. (Processing time is approximately 14 business days) Make sure that your address on the application matches the address you have on file with the college. If not make sure to fill out a Change of Information Form for both the Admissions and Financial Aid Office.
OTHER FINANCIAL RESOURCES The Delta WorkNet Program is grant funded and is designed to assist students with fees associated with the ADN Program. The Program covers: ATI Fees Books associated with the ADN program only (No prerequisite courses) Fingerprinting Application for Licensure By Examination Interim Permit NCLEX Exam Fee To be eligible for the program you must meet their Income base standards and be at least a Second Semester student. WorkNet For more information contact: Qutina Njeri DeRicco Student Services Building Room 208, Phone: ext. 6329
TUTORING Tutoring is Free and available to all currently enrolled Delta Nursing Students. No Referral is required – Walk ins are welcomed Students will not be assigned to a specific tutor Group setting - although can also be one on one sessions Sessions are designed around specific courses Only available on Delta Campus during business hours Locations and times are determined by the Nursing Success Center Check tutoring schedule on the Nursing Success Center Webpage **Space is not guaranteed if more students show up than the tutor can accommodate at any tutoring session.**
Students can borrow items from our lending library through out the semester Material such as books, CDS, DVDS, & VHS tapes (No textbooks) Some of the topics in our library are – Test Taking Strategies Critical Thinking Medication Calculation Pharmacology NCLEX Reviews Dvds On Body Systems And Physiology To check out items stop by the NSC, Locke 213 and speak to the staff LENDING LIBRARY
Purpose of Lab: To provide computer access to Online Resources Location: Locke 228 Hours of Operation: Same as the Health Division Office. Lab is always locked, to gain access please stop by the HS Division office and let them know that you would like to use the lab. Be sure to log your hours every time you use the lab NURSING COMPUTER LAB **The lab is not a place to socialize, hold study groups, work on homework, surf the internet, eat, or sleep. **
Educational Global Technologies, Inc. (EDGT) ATI Nursing Education Nurse Logic Learning System RN Focus Review National Council Licensure Examination - NCLEX 4000 ONLINE RESOURCES
Educational Global Technologies, Inc. (EDGT) Online tutorials and tests for nursing education Once account is set-up you can access these tutorials anywhere & anytime you have internet access. It is recommended that you take a look at the following four tutorials prior to the start of the semester. Enhance Your Critical Thinking Skills Fundamentals: The Nursing Process Strategies For Problem Solving Test Master: Improve Your Study Habits And Test-taking Skills ONLINE RESOURCES
ATI Nursing Education – On-line resource for tutorials and functions to help you succeed in the program Participation and testing is required for the ADN Program You will be required to purchase the package from the ATI website before the due date ONLINE RESOURCES
National Council Licensure Examination (NCLEX 4000) NCLEX 4000 – computer software designed to help you prepare for your NCLEX. Allows you to take NCLEX- like tests Allows you to build custom test (from test topics, categories, question types, format, questions and test taking strategies. The program is designed to give you answers paired with rationales to help you learn as you go. Is available at the computer lab only. Can not be accessed on the internet. You can also purchase your own copy online. Cost is between $25 to $60. ONLINE RESOURCES
Good Time Management is Key Set your Priorities Try to stay ahead on your studies Do not procrastinate Organize your classwork, work, and family life Delegate duties at home Ask for help Stay Positive QUICK SUCCESS TIPS