Selected Minor Prophets My Servants The Prophets Major Lessons From Selected Minor Prophets
Approximate Dates Of The Minor Prophets Approx. 140 years difference 9th Century (Early Assyrian Period) Obadiah (845 B.C.) Joel (830 B.C.) Jonah (790-750 B.C.) 6th Century (Exilic Period) Ezekiel (593-570 B.C.) Daniel (605-536 B.C.) 8th Century (Assyrian Period) Amos (755 B.C.) Hosea (750-725 B.C.) Isaiah (740-700 B.C.) Micah (735-700 B.C.) 6th-5th Centuries (Post-Exilic Periods) Haggai (520 B.C.) Zechariah (520-518 B.C.) Malachi (440 B.C.) 7th Century (Chaldean Period) Jeremiah (626-586 B.C. & after) Zephaniah (630-625 B.C) Nahum (625-612 B.C.) Habakkuk (605 B.C.) Approx. 140 years difference
Jonah: The Man Son of Amittai Jon 1:1 2 Kings 14:25 From Gath-hepher 2 Kings 14:25 Prophesied in Israel during the reign of Jeroboam II (793-753 B.C.) 2 Kings 14:25 Given the record in 2 Kings 14:23-25, and Jonah’s attitude toward the Ninevites, we can safely say his thinking was very “nationalistic”
Other Noteworthy Information: A unique book among O.T. prophecies A book about a prophet more than by a prophet Narrative in form…not much in prophecies Other prophecies (“Major” & “Minor”) are full of oracles against Israel, other nations This book has just 1 prophetic statement… it is only 8 words long 3:4b No other O.T. book shows God’s universal love for all sinners as much as this one (“N.T. – ish”)
Other Noteworthy Information: An easy-to-remember outline – “Never run FROM God” Jon 1 “Always run TOWARD God” Jon 2 “Always run WITH God” Jon 3 “Never run AHEAD OF God” Jon 4
NEVER Run From God Jonah 1 God’s call to Jonah v. 2 Jonah’s response to God v. 3 God’s response to Jonah vv. 4-17 – Divine power in nature (storm, sea creature) – Providential choices of other humans (compare their concern for Jonah to his lack of concern for the Ninevites) – Sailors’ actions after casting Jonah overboard (how can God use such actions?)
ALWAYS Run Toward God Jonah 2 Jonah’s prayer vv. 1-9 – A despairing cry for help – An acknowledgment of God’s fair judgment – A confession of his own wrongdoing – An expression of God’s salvation – A vow to fulfill his responsibilities to his God God answers his prayer v. 10 1 Pet 3:12
ALWAYS Run With God Jonah 3 Compare v. 2 with 1:2 – How much did Jonah’s previous actions change God’s will? Jonah fulfills his prophetic duty vv. 3-4 Nineveh’s response to Jonah vv. 5-9 – Belief, repentance…from “royal to riffraff” God’s response to Nineveh v. 10 4:2b
Also translated “miracle” or “wonder” in the N.T. ALWAYS Run With God Jonah 3 Jonah’s “resurrection” became a sign to the Ninevites Mt 12:39-41 16:4 Lk 11:30 – In what way was he a “sign” when he finally showed up in Nineveh? – Why was Nineveh so quick to believe? – Given Jesus’ connection of His own D/B/R to that of Jonah, it seems most likely the Ninevites had heard of Jonah’s encounter with the sea creature & believed the “sign”
NEVER Run Ahead Of God Jonah 4 Jonah’s response to God’s decision re: the Ninevites vv. 1-3 – Jonah appears to “lecture” God, and admits he tried to “forestall” God’s plans v. 2 – Ironic…Jonah is critical of his own work!! God’s reply to Jonah v. 4 Jonah’s further actions v. 5 – What is Jonah still hoping for?
NEVER Run Ahead Of God Jonah 4 God teaches Jonah a lesson vv. 6-11 – Again, God uses His power over nature (plant, worm, sun, scorching wind) – Jonah’s hypocrisy is exposed – Jonah’s perspective is in serious need of correction
LESSONS God’s love truly is universal to all men, not wanting any to perish 2 Pet 3:9 When God forgives, He forgets – Notice what God doesn’t say to Jonah after he is out of the sea creature – God won’t remind us of past failures when we come to Him penitently Heb 8:12
LESSONS We cannot run away from God or the responsibilities He places on us…a certain impossibility Psa 139:7 Our actions/inactions do not change heaven’s settled will…emphasizes the durability of God’s word Mt 24:35 1 Pet 1:23b-25
LESSONS We shouldn’t be quick to pre-judge the receptiveness of the lost Sometimes (to our own shame), our “religious bigotry” is exposed by the misguided religion of those we should be trying to teach – Sailors on Jonah’s ship – Ninevites Jonah wanted destroyed