FPT Software Internal use Report Date: Author: Hoang Trung Thanh SAP HANA Reporting
2 Reporting in SAP HANA : Overview
Create Universe in SAP HANA From earlier tutorials, we know that there are two ways in which the reporting tools can connect to SAP HANA. One way is a direct OLAP connection and another is an indirect relational connection. In the relational connection type, reporting tools fetch data from a universe layer instead of connecting directly to SAP HANA. Thus, SAP BusinessObjects Universe acts like a middle layer between reporting tools and SAP HANA. A universe contains data foundation layer which holds data tables with joins and conditions applied to them (much like information views). Business Reporting tools such as WebI, Crystal Reports for Enterprise and Dashboard designer use Universe as an intermediate layer to connect to SAP HANA. Although, in the current versions of Web Intelligence (WebI), the provision of connecting directly to SAP HANA has been introduced. 4 What is BusinessObjects Universe?
Benefits of Creating a Universe in SAP HANA 5 By using the universe layer to use data from SAP HANA, the user benefits in many ways: Offers higher output customization for business users. Can use query time prompts and variables. Data integration of data from HANA with data from other data sources by the virtue of embedded multisource technology. Enables data modeling in the Information Design Tool.
Steps to Create a Universe in SAP HANA using IDT Follow the steps given in this section to learn how to create a universe in the Information Design Tool (IDT) of SAP HANA. 6
1. Connecting to SAP HANA 7 Step 1. On the Information Design Tool page, go to File and click on New and then click on Project. Step 2. Name the project (Project Name), suppose we name it Dtf_Demo_Connection. Then, click on Finish. All the resources required for universe development will store under this project. You can also change the location of this file from the Project Location column. Next, we need to establish a connection with SAP HANA. You can either make a relational connection (connecting to tables) or an OLAP connection (connecting to views). We have selected a relational connection.SAP HANA Step 3. To create a relational connection, right-click on the name of your project > New > Relational Connection. Step 4. Name the connection (Resource Name) and add a Description if you like. Click on Next>. Step 5. Select the HANA specific driver from the Database Middleware Driver Selectiondialog box. Click on Next> to continue.
8 1. Connecting to SAP HANA Parameters for SAP HANA Database Connection Step 6. Enter the connection details like Authentication Mode, User Name, Password, Host Name, Instance Number, etc. Click on Next. Step 7. You can manipulate more connection settings in the next window such as Connection Pool Mode, Pool Timeout, Array Fetch Size, Array Bind Size, Login Timeout, JDBC Driver Properties. Then, click on Finish. Thus, the connection to SAP HANA will be successfully made. You can click on Test Connection to confirm the connection.
2. Creating the Data Foundation 9 Step 8. In the Information Design Tool, right-click on the name of your connection (Dtf_Demo_Connection) and select New Data Foundation. Step 9. Name the data foundation (Resource Name). For the sake of understanding, we will name the data foundation “Dtf_Demo_DF”. Then click Finish. Step 10. Now, you get to see all the tables that exist in the HANA database under the Connection tab on IDT. You can select a node and expand it to see the tables within it. To add tables into the universe, drag and drop the tables in the Master area on the right. Join two tables by pulling the cursor between two fields of the tables that you wish to join. Step 11. You can edit the join properties by double-clicking on the join. You can set the join condition, create a shortcut join, outer join for the left or right table, view the expression and cardinality of the join. Step 12. Click on the save icons on the bar (on IDT main page) to save the newly created data foundation.
3. Creating a Business Layer 10 Next step is to create a business layer on top of the data foundation we built. Step 13. Right-click on the name of the data foundation (Dtf_Demo_DF in our case) and selectNew Business Layer. Step 14. Then enter the name of the business layer. For instance, we give the name“Dtf_Demo_BL”. Click on Finish. This will fetch all the classes and objects based upon the tables we selected in the data foundation (in the Business Layer section). You can select an object and view the Name, Description, Field Type, Data Type, SQL Definition, Keys, Advanced Operations, Source Information, etc and edit them.
3. Creating a Business Layer 11 You can also manipulate the SQL script using SQL assistant. This way our business layer is ready. Step 15. Now, before we save our business layer to BO repository, we need to secure our connection by publishing it on the repository. To publish the connection, right-click on the connection name (Dtf_Demo_Connection.cnx) and select Publish connection to a repository. Then, click on Finish. This will create a secure.cns (Dtf_Demo_Connection.cns) connection. Step 16. Next, we’ll change the connection of data foundation to the secure.cns connection. Step 17. Now, finally, we will publish our business layer to a repository. To do this, right-click on the name of your business layer (Dtf_Demo_BL) then select Publish and then click on To a Repository. You can check the integrity as you like. Click Next>. Step 18. Select the folder in which you want to store it. Click on Finish and your universe is published successfully.
Crystal Reports 12 SAP Crystal Reports is a windows-based tool used for creating reports for the purpose of printouts and publishing such as sales invoice, sales orders report, etc. In this tutorial, we will learn the process to directly connect SAP Crystal Reports with the SAP HANA database using appropriate drivers. Then, we will use the data in Crystal Reports to create our reports. SAP Crystal reports is popular because of its crystal clear and pixel perfect visuals. It uses JDBC/ODBC connectors and SQL as interaction language to connect to the SAP HANA database.SQL as interaction language
Steps to Connect Crystal Reports to SAP HANA 13
Steps to Connect Crystal Reports to SAP HANA 14 Step 1: Launch SAP Crystal Reports 2011/13/16 in your system. The main page of SAP Crystal Reports will open. Step 2: Now, you can either use an available connection to connect to SAP HANA or you can create a new connection. We will create a new one.
Creating Reports in Crystal Reports 15 Step 3: If you are creating a new connection, you can select from different connection options i.e. an ODBC connection, JDBC connection, OLAP, OLE DB, Excel, Salesforce.com or can connect through a Universe. Select your preferred connection method and click on Next. In the next dialog, select the option “Select Data Source” and choose your data source from the drop-down list of Data Source Name. Click Next. Step 4: Enter the User ID and password. Click on Finish. Step 5: Data Sources Once the connection is established, a Standard Report Creation Wizard will open.
Creating Reports in Crystal Reports 16 Step 6: Linking Here, we see the fields of the tables and the nature of join between them. You can also change the join type by clicking on the join made between the selected tables. A tab named Link Options will open from where you can select the Join Type, Link Type and the option of Enforced Join. Then click on OK. Step 7: Fields Selection Next, you have to select fields from the available table or the tables that you selected from the data source. The names of all the fields are provided under the Available Fields section. Click on the fields that you want to add. Add them into Fields to Display section by using > icon. You can also rearrange the order of the fields from the up and down arrows. Click on Next once you are done with selecting all the fields to be displayed.
Creating Reports in Crystal Reports 17 Step 8: Grouping Next, you can apply a grouping criterion on the selected fields. You can select a number of fields as the basis of grouping. Add the fields from Available Fields to Group By area using > icon. You can also browse the data from the selected field and select whether to group and display the values in ascending or descending order. Click on Next to continue. Step 9: Summaries The next window gives you a default list of summarized fields which are mostly integer fields. You can add or remove fields at this step. Click Next if you don’t wish to make any changes.
Creating Reports in Crystal Reports 18 Step 10: Group Sorting You can sort your grouped data based on three conditions; None, Top 5 groups and Bottom 5 groups. Also, you have an option for Comparing summary values for the Top or Bottom groups. Step 11: Chart In the final step, you get to select from three standard chart types in which you wish to visualize the data. The available chart types are line chart, pie chart and bar chart. You can also go with No chart option. You also get to manage the chart from the options Chart title, On change of and Show summary. Click on Finish. Step 12: We finally have our report ready with the charts and tables we selected to be displayed. You can perform a range of manipulations and analytical operations on the dataset from the reporting interface. You can apply more advanced features and make different types of visualizations using the data.
Reporting in Microsoft Excel 19 As we know, SAP HANA is an efficient in-memory database technology which provides data to the users in the blink of an eye. On the other hand, MS Excel is one of the most widely used data representation, analysis and reporting software of all time. Excel’s capabilities are extended by connecting it to SAP HANA which provides real-time data access and ad-hoc analysis on billions of data rows. MS Excel offers HANA support from the 2003 version to the current version. Excel uses an OLAP connection to SAP HANA database and information layers which is a direct connection. The interaction language used is MDX and the connection driver required is ODBO driver.
Integrate SAP HANA with MS Excel 20
Connecting MS Excel to SAP HANA 21 In this section, we will learn how to connect to SAP HANA from MS Excel. Step 1: Select the connection type Open the MS Excel spreadsheet. Go to the Data tab. Then select From Other Sources option. From the drop-down list, select From Data Connection Wizard.
Connecting MS Excel to SAP HANA 22
Connecting MS Excel to SAP HANA 23 Step 2: Select the data provider type Select Other/Advanced option from the Data Connection Wizard dialog and click Next.
Connecting MS Excel to SAP HANA 24 Step 3: Select the data provider Select the data provider as SAP HANA MDX Provider from the given list. Then, click onNext>>. Step 4: Enter connection properties Enter connection parameters specific to SAP HANA user account like Host name, Instance number, User name, Password, and Preferred language. You can instantly test a connection from this dialog by clicking on the Test Connection option. A message will prompt confirming a successful connection that says, “Test Connection Succeeded”. Click on OK to continue.
Connecting MS Excel to SAP HANA 25 Step 5: Select the database catalog and view Next, we will select the schema or table/cube from the SAP HANA database as per our requirement. You can first select the database from Select the database that contains the data you want option. Then, select the schemas or tables within that database. Click on Next> to continue.SAP HANA database Step 6: Create a Windows connection file Save the SAP HANA connection we just created and save the password for later use. You can also assign a Friendly Name for the connection file for the sake of easy recognition. Along with this, you can write a description for the file, give a file name, specify search keywords and select Excel services. Then, click on Finish.
Using MS Excel with SAP HANA Once we have created a connection to the SAP HANA system from MS Excel, now in the process to integrate SAP HANA with MS Excel, its time to learn how to perform analytical operations using the data we fetched from SAP HANA information views.SAP HANA information views 26
Using MS Excel with SAP HANA 27 Step 1: Select the form of data to import Select in what form, you want to import the data. You can select from a list of options like as a table, pivot table report, pivot chart, or only create the connection. Also, select the worksheet on which you want to import this data table or chart (Existing worksheet or New worksheet). Click on OK to continue. Step 2: Drag & drop the data table field You will see an empty pivot table template on the worksheet. You can drag and drop the field from the data table to the panel given in the right upper section naming PivotTable Field List. Drag and drop the fields to one of the four sections given in the lower half section on the right (below the field list section). This section is named Drag Fields between areas below. The section is divided into four small sections; Report Filter, Column Labels, Row Labels, and Values. If you want a field as a column in the table, drop it in the column section. Likewise, for rows, report filter, and value sections.
Using MS Excel with SAP HANA 28 Step 3: Pivot table creates instantly after drag & drop SAP HANA responds quickly to the drag and drop you do on the Excel spreadsheet and creates a Pivot table instantly. You can change the rows and columns as per your requirements from the field list. The changes will immediately Step 4: Create visualizations using the pivot table data Now, to create some visualizations using the data in the pivot table, click on the PivotChartoption (under the Options menu on the menu bar). You can choose from a wide range of charts and graphs such as Columns, Line charts, Pie charts, Bar charts, Areas, Radar charts, etc. There are many options within a particular chart type as well. reflect in the table on the spreadsheet.
Using MS Excel with SAP HANA 29 Step 5: Conduct selections & analysis of table The chart of your choice will be instantly made based on the data given in the table. You can make selections in the table which will reflect in the charts as well. Also, you can conduct analysis as per your liking by changing the fields, columns, and rows and detect the patterns and trends in data. We have completed the process to integrate SAP HANA with MS Excel.