Secretary update Tips and Tools for Todays Secretary Grand Lodge F&AM of WI
Agenda Office Staff Resources Secretary Forms Requests from the office Printing Dues Statements. Grand Lodge F&AM of WI
Office Staff Who do I contact? Jan Gorgen – Ext. Registry Information Affiliations to Plural Transfers Out-of-state correspondence Dues cards Cheryl Martin – Ext. Lodge supply orders Awards 25 & 50 + LEA, Ashlar, & Correspondence Courses Dispensations G.L. Officer Supplies Grand Lodge F&AM of WI
Office Staff Who do I contact? Alicia Darr – Ext. Annual Financial Statements PMP Processing Supply Invoicing Prepares all checks Processes all invoice for GL, S&A, and the Foundation Erika Miller – Ext. Matching Grants Endowed Funds Scholarship Programs Planned Giving – Gift Annuities Grand Lodge F&AM of WI
Resources Grand Lodge Website – freemasonry.orghttp:// MORI Login Page – Cyber Secretary – Monthly Direct Office Staff – Grand Lodge F&AM of WI
Renunciation Statement Used when a Clandestine Mason wishes to petition a WI lodge. Located on the GL Website. Grand Lodge F&AM of WI
Request for Dispensation Required when you want to ask the Grand Master for a Dispensation to the WI Masonic Code. Found on the GL Website. Grand Lodge F&AM of WI
PMP Application Complete to apply for a Perpetual Membership. Located on the GL Website. Participants on a payment plan must have their payment to the GL office by 12/31 of each year. The lodge does not receive their payment until the participant pays Grand Lodge F&AM of WI
Service & Assistance Used by the WM to recommend a Brother for Masonic Assistance. Stress that they need to make sure the form is complete, then to PM Keith Chamberlain – Chairman of S&A at or mail to the Grand Lodge office attention Keith Chamberlain – Personal & Confidential – we will forward. Grand Lodge F&AM of WI
Petition for transfer of membership A Transfer of membership is just what is implies. The Brother is Transferring his Primary membership from one lodge to another. The Transfer can be from a Foreign Jurisdiction to Wisconsin or within the State of Wisconsin. Use Form 4a Rev 1.1~8/2010 to complete this process. This can be found on the Grand Lodge Website under Publications Grand Lodge F&AM of WI
Petition for affiliation to plural membership A plural member is a Brother who holds a Primary membership in another lodge in Wisconsin or another Jurisdiction. If his Primary lodge is in Wisconsin that is where he pays his Per-Capitia Tax. He is responsible for Per-Capitia Tax only once in a Wisconsin Lodge. If his Primary lodge is in a Foreign Jurisdiction he can maintain his Primary membership in that Jurisdiction and hold a Plural in Wisconsin, however, in this case his first Plural membership in Wisconsin is subject to Per- Captita Tax. Use Form 4b Rev. 1.2~8/2010 to complete the Affiliation. This can be found on the Grand Lodge Website under Publications. Grand Lodge F&AM of WI
Procedure The procedure for Plural and Transfers is almost identical. Just make sure you are using the proper form as noted above. The procedure is as follows. The Brother who wishes to Transfer or Plural needs to present a current Dues Card. He needs to fill out Form 4a Rev 1.1~8/2010 or 4b Rev. 1.2~8/2010. The petition needs to be Received at a Stated Communication and voted on at a subsequent Stated Communication. The Lodge Secretary needs to make sure the entire form is completed, and if from out-of-state that the out-of-state section is also completed. Form 4a Rev. 1.1~8/2010 and 4b Rev. 1.2~8/2010 are to be ed to or mailed to the Grand Lodge office for processing. The office will handle the balance of the transaction.Do not enter this into MORI - Jan will handle that when all the information is received. We will also see that the other lodges are notified. Do not correspond directly with out-of-state lodges or Grand Lodge Offices. If you have a question call or me at Grand Lodge F&AM of WI
Certificate of Resignation Located on the Grand Lodge Website Grand Lodge F&AM of WI
Certificate of Plural Termination Located on the Grand Lodge Website Grand Lodge F&AM of WI
Requests from the office Please make sure that all check you receive from the GL are cashed in a timely manner. (after 6 months they are void, reissues will have a fee applied) Please pay lodge invoices promptly, all of us pay for extra invoicing and the labor involved. Out-of-state transfers should not be started after November 1 st and in-state transfers should not be started after November 15 th. If not completed by December 31 st the transferring member will still owe dues to his current lodge to remain in good standing. Grand Lodge F&AM of WI
Requests from the office Use and read the WI Masonic Code – most question can be answered here. Follow-up as soon as possible on correspondence sent from the Grand Lodge office on items like: Transfers 50 year award presentation requests from other jurisdictions. Waiver of Jurisdiction Annual Communication Reservations Grand Lodge F&AM of WI
Grand Lodge F&AM of WI
Grand Lodge F&AM of WI
Grand Lodge F&AM of WI
Printing Dues Statements Lets go to MORI Grand Lodge F&AM of WI
You are the key to success for your lodge Thank you for all you do every day for the fraternity