Nuclear safety regulatory structure Finland NNRP Workshop July 4-6,2011 Bonn
Presentation Outline Nuclear facilities in Finland Authorities involved in regulation and licensing of nuclear facilities Legislative and regulatory framework
Nuclear power plants in Finland Fennovoima Ltd New utility, no operating reactors, DiP approved for FV1 (2 alternative sites) Loviisa NPP (Fortum) 2 operating units - VVERs Olkiluoto NPP (TVO) 2 operating units - ABB BWRs OL3 (EPR) under construction DiP approved for OL4 Photo: Fortum Photo: TVO
Loviisa npp Plant Start-up National Nominal electric power, Type, Photo: Fortum Plant Start-up National Nominal electric power, Type, unit grid (gross/net, MW) supplier Loviisa 1 8 Feb1977 9 May1977 510/488 PWR, Atomenergoexport Loviisa 2 4 Nov1980 5 Jan 1981 510/488 PWR, Atomenergoexport Fortum Power and Heat Oy owns the Loviisa 1 and 2 plant units located in Loviisa.
Olkiluoto npp Plant Start-up National Nominal electric power, Type, unit grid (gross/net, MW) supplier Olkiluoto 1 2 Sep 1978 10 Oct1979 910/880 BWR, Asea Atom Olkiluoto 2 18 Feb 1980 1 Jul 1982 890/860 BWR, Asea Atom Olkiluoto 3 Construction license granted about 1,600 (net) PWR, 17.2.2005 Areva NP Teollisuuden Voima Oyj owns the Olkiluoto 1 and 2 plant units located in Olkiluoto, Eurajoki, and the Olkiluoto 3 plant unit under construction. Photo: TVO
OL3 Project - General Project is progressing but is about four years behind the original schedule Start of commercial operation in 2013 Fuel load by the end of 2012 Operating licence application in 2011. Status of the project Design ongoing - open design issues on I&C Final civil construction activities ongoing Manufacturing slowing down but still ongoing Installation activities in progress at site Commissioning activities to start Photos: TVO
Nuclear facilities in Finland… Onkalo underground research facility in Olkiluoto constructed by Posiva Oy bedrock volumes suitable for final disposal of spent nuclear fuel can be investigated in more detail bedrock research at the planned final disposal depth is a requirement for granting a construction license for the final disposal facility Designed to function as one of the entrance routes to the planned final disposal facility STUK applies the same regulatory procedures to the construction of Onkalo as those of a nuclear facility construction started in 2004, end of 2010 the excavation of the drive tunnel reached a depth of 430 m, tunnel length 4500 m. Ventilation shaft Personnel shaft Situation 17 Dec 2010 Length of the drive tunnel 4560 m Depth of the drive tunnel 434 m Intake ventilation Photo: Posiva Oy Plan of the underground rock characterisation facility (Onkalo) and status of the construction on 17 December 2010 (Posiva Oy).
Nuclear facilities in Finland… FiR 1 research reactor operated by VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland TRIGA Mark II, maximum thermal power 250 kW began operation in March 1962, current operating licence will expire at the end of 2011 reactor is used for fabrication of radioactive tracers, activation analysis, student training, Boron Neutron Capture Therapy (BNCT) treatment of tumours , development of therapeutic methods 3.7.2011
STUK - Radiation and Nuclear Safety Authority Mission: Protecting people, society, environment, and future generations from harmful effects of radiation Organisation: 110 Figures indicate number of staff at the end of 2010. Total 344.
Three roles of STUK Regulatory Body use of nuclear reactors nuclear waste and materials use of radiation Research Centre health effects of ionising and non-ionising radiation natural radiation - occurrence and prevention environmental research radiation threats and preparedness for accidents dosimetry and metrology medical use of radiation non-ionising radiation Expert organisation national preparedness for radiation accidents information and advice to public and other authorities contracted expert services radiation measuring and calibration services
STUK and Ministries MINISTRY OF SOCIAL AFFAIRS AND HEALTH administrative authority for the use of radiation MINISTRY OF EMPLOYMENT AND THE ECONOMY administrative authority for the use of nuclear energy Budget and supervision STUK – RADIATION AND NUCLEAR SAFETY AUTHORITY independent regulatory and research organisation Expert advice and service Expert advice and service MINISTRY OF THE INTERIOR rescue and protection duties in emergency conditions - security and physical protection MINISTRY FOR FOREIGN AFFAIRS - nuclear safety in neighbour countries - non-proliferation of nuclear weapons
Main parties involved in licensing and regulation of nuclear facilities in Finland All licenses for nuclear facilities are issued by the Government Ministry of Employment and the Economy (TEM) provides administrative support for processing license applications STUK is the nuclear regulatory body and has following duties: preparation of national nuclear safety regulations safety evaluation (necessary prerequisite for issuing a license) inspections and oversight needed to verify the safety of the facility and the compliance with safety requirements over the plant lifetime inspections on nuclear waste management and nuclear material safeguards as well as security binding orders to the licensees as needed to ensure nuclear safety (based on expert judgment made at STUK). 3.7.2011
Stakeholders in licensing - roles and responsibilities Public, other authorities, and expert organizations PARLIAMENT: Ratifies Decision in Principle Three step licensing: Decision in Principle Construction License Operating License Opinions GOVERNMENT: Makes licensing decisions MINISTRY OF EMPLOYMENT AND THE ECONOMY Conducts preparations Statement on safety (veto right) Agreement on site (veto right) Application STUK (regulatory body) APPLICANT MUNICIPALITY OF PLANT SITE Regulatory review and oversight Advice Design documentation Expert organizations Suppliers- nuclear industry
Licensing steps in Finland Operating licence Government Decision STUK’s safety assessment on the technical and organisational aspects of the as build plant Operating Licence Construction Licence Government Decision STUK’s Safety assessment on the acceptability of Technical principles and requirements of the plant Issued in February 2005 for Olkiluoto 3 Construction Construction Licence Construction: Review and approval of the detailed design Oversight of manufacturing and construction Bidding & site preparation Nuclear safety Energy policy Decision in Principle Feasibility studies (by utility) Decision in Principle: Political debate on whether using nuclear energy is for the overall good of society Government decision and Parliament ratification/rejection STUK’s preliminary safety assessment Issued in February/May 2002 for Olkiluoto 3 Issued in May/July 2010 for Olkiluoto 4 and Fennovoima 1 Environmental Impact Assessment
Licensing status of the existing Finnish NPPs Relicensing of the operation of a NPP involves a comprehensive safety review, latest renewals were done taking into account the IAEA PSR guidelines (NS-G-2.10, previously 50-SG-O12) Loviisa NPP Terms of licenses Olkiluoto NPP LO1 LO 2 OL1 OL2 1977 - 1983 1980 - 1983 1978 - 1983 1982 - 1983 1984 - 1989 1984 - 1988 1989 - 1998 1999 - 2007 1999 - 2018 2007 - 2027 2007 - 2030 PSR in 2008 PSR in 2015 and 2023 3.7.2011
Legislative and regulatory framework The use of nuclear energy Nuclear Energy Act (990/1987) Nuclear Energy Decree (161/1988) Government Decrees on safety of NPPs (733/2008) on physical protection of NPPs (734/2008) on emergency preparedness (735/2008) on safety of the disposal of nuclear waste (736/2008) Regulatory Guides (YVL Guides) concerning the use of nuclear energy The use of radiation Radiation Act (592/1991) Radiation Decree (1512/1991) Decree of the Ministry of Social Affairs and Health on the medical use of radiation (423/2000) Regulatory Guides (ST Guides) concerning the use of radiation Finnish Regulatory Pyramid