2018 2019 Comparison of Data TOTAL 388 TOTAL 365 By Grade Level Number 6th Grade 95 7th Grade 171 8th Grade 122 TOTAL 388 By Grade Level Number 6th Grade 135 7th Grade 111 8th Grade 119 TOTAL 365
Yearly Comparison of Referrals to Date Comparison of Data Year Yearly Comparison of Referrals to Date 2014 / 2015 421 2015 / 2016 396 2016 / 2017 308 2017 / 2018 365 2018 / 2019 388
Referral Descriptions Referral Code Number of Referrals AGG = Aggressive acts / Trip, Push, Hit, Spit 59 ALT = Altercation 4 CAF = Cafeteria disruption 9 CAM = Campus disruption 7 CHE = Cheating 3 CLS = Classroom disruption 28 DCN = Disorderly Conduct 2 DEF = Willful defiance of authority DIS = Disrespectful towards adults 33 DRD = Drug sales and/or distribution (excluding alcohol) DSR = Disruptive (other than classroom) FFC = Failure to follow class/school rules 54
Referral Descriptions Referral Code Number of Referrals FIT = Fighting (serious mutual combat or mutual altercation only) 6 FTC = Failure to complete disciplinary intervention 7 FTF = Failure to follow bus safety 2 HSP = Horseplay 22 INT = Intimidating students/school staff KIS = Public display of affection 1 LTS = Late to School 12 LYG = Providing false information to school MSM = Minor sexual misconduct PRO = Profane / Obscene / Abusive language / Images 39 PRP = Destroying / Damaging property <$1,000 4 RUD = Rude / Discourteous (peer related) 13 RUN = Running / Creating safety hazard
Referral Descriptions Referral Code Number of Referrals SKP = Skipping class (not showing for class) 5 SXO = Sexual offenses 4 TAR = Tardiness 9 TBC = Tobacco 7 TEC = Abuse or violation of the technology policy 1 THR = Throwing / Propelling objects TKG = Taking items (non-criminal) TRE = Threat / Intimidation UMD = Unauthorized use of media/mobile device 2 UNA = Being in an unauthorized area VMP = Violation of the medication policy WPO = Weapon possession