Figure 5. Concept of coronary flow reserve and IMR Figure 5.Concept of coronary flow reserve and IMR. (A) Using thermodilution technique, Tmn, which is the surrogate marker of coronary flow, can be measured in both resting and hyperemic conditions. CFR is calculated by resting Tmn/hyperaemic Tmn. IMR is calculated by Pd×Tmn during hyperaemia. (B) The patient presented with typical chest pain on exertion and a positive exercise stress test. Coronary angiography showed no obstructive epicardial coronary artery disease and FFR was insignificant in both LAD and LCX. However, CFR was low and IMR was high in both LAD and LCX, suggesting the presence of overt microvascular disease. CAD = coronary artery disease; CFR = coronary flow reserve; FFR = fractional flow reserve; IMR = index of microcirculatory resistance; LAD = left anterior descending artery; LCX = left circumflex artery; Tmn = mean transit time; TMT = treadmill test. Figure 5.Concept of coronary flow reserve and IMR. (A) Using thermodilution technique, Tmn, which is the surrogate marker of coronary flow, can be measured in both resting and hyperemic conditions. CFR is calculated by resting Tmn/hyperaemic Tmn. IMR is calculated by Pd×Tmn during hyperaemia. (B) The patient presented with typical chest pain on exertion and a positive . . . Korean Circ J. 2018 Mar;48(3):179-190.